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Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negative?
  • sachin
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negativ

    by sachin » Tue Dec 15, 2015 5:01 pm

    We didn't meet our goals with Kickstarter, but I can't say that its been a negative experience. We've made some mistakes, but I think we can learn from them and become more successful with our relaunch.

    - Have you learned any new skills (marketing/social media)?
    I have learned more about marketing and trying to get the word out. Its a lot more difficult than it seems, but its still possible.

    - Have you gotten any backers you don't know?
    We have. Most of our backers are from people we didn't know.

    - What has been frustrating?
    Its been really frustrating sending out hundreds of emails and not getting any responses. I'm wondering if thats even the right approach to marketing, or if my email isn't compelling enough? Would it help to include an image of our product?

    - How did you motivate yourself daily?
    What motivates me is promoting our good idea, having a potential portfolio piece and learning how to start a business from a basic idea. If this becomes successful, I'll have more courage to use Kickstarter to launch other ideas in the future.

    - Are you planning on starting a business if your Kickstarter goes well?
    Yes. Our plan is to launch one design and expand into our other designs. After that, we may branch into other bathroom accessories.

    - What tools or websites do you recommend (others than this one haha)?
    Facebook has been a decent tool. It seems like it would be nice to launch a basic squarespace website in addition to our Kickstarter page. I'm still keeping my eyes open towards other great resources.

    Overall, I've really learned the value of putting the effort into marketing and the prelaunch. It takes a lot of effort to effectively market your idea to get funding and interest on Kickstarter. To get peoples attention, you must have a compelling story and make a case for your idea. I think we have a good idea and good design, but I feel we've turned away many people by asking people to vote for the winning design (people were afraid that the wrong design would get picked) and we've asked for too much money.

    I want to fix these issues and try again!

    Check out our LooLedge Kickstarter campaign!
  • thesarcasmfont
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negativ

    by thesarcasmfont » Sat Dec 19, 2015 12:49 pm

    Mine has been hard so far. Have little social media experience and am learning as I go. Only received a couple backers so far. Working hard though.....
  • Nedo1993
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    Have a look at project lunched 1 day ago

    by Nedo1993 » Sat Jan 02, 2016 1:40 am

  • headpal
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negativ

    by headpal » Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:59 pm

    So far, I would say it has been a positive experience. Even though we are not on track to receive funding, we have learnt a bucket load! You can never put a price on an invaluable learning experience.
  • capergames
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negativ

    by capergames » Sun Jan 10, 2016 2:58 pm

    We are very happy so far! It is a pleasure to interact with backers. That has been the biggest surprise to me,
    as this is my first KS. It is so great to get feedback and encouragement from people who genuinely care and
    become part of the creative process.
  • ganenem
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negativ

    by ganenem » Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:53 am

    I've got one going at the moment, and I can say it's quite good and gives you a good feeling when someone donates :)
  • eBlocker
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negativ

    by eBlocker » Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:07 pm

    We have just launched 4 days ago on Kickstarter and only 1/3 of the pre-orders come from - the majority of pre-orders is thru external traffic. Our experience is not to rely too much on the platform traffic but market the campaign off site by PR and social media.

    We made more than 40% of our in 4 days of 75,000 EUR - and counting...
    eBlocker - The first plug & play privacy solution for ALL your devices.
  • capergames
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negativ

    by capergames » Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:33 pm

    We just hit our 100th backer and are almost at $ 3,000, so are very happy!
    Get Adler! Social Deduction Card Game.
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negativ

    by SportsFYLE » Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:25 pm

    So far my experience has been daunting and busy! Wearing several hats my co-founder and I have found it to be very stressful so far. We are doing well - but we welcome anybody that could help us spread the word about our idea.

    SportsFYLE is a *very* early social networking start-up right now called Basically focused sports online networks. For example SoccerFYLE for soccer, HockeyFYLE for hockey...etc. A FYLE is a person's player profile.

    We are launching our Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign on Feb 16th and would love some help promoting our idea. We are not pushing a product or selling anything. We are looking to get support for the idea right now.

    There are many people that are in this group that are sports fans or have children in sports that may help support our idea.

    It is just myself and my business partner right now - doing this part-time while we keep our day jobs.
    -Eric Hays
  • hleexd
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negativ

    by hleexd » Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:23 pm

    It's been positive for the most part! I successfully funded a $100 campaign, but I am now trying to get support for my $1,000 campaign and it's been super difficult. I am grateful for all the skills I've learned and pushing myself to get something out there in the world that I've produced with my own hands. There has been no manufacturing in my projects thus far and everything is made my my own two hands. Trying my best to get my campaign out there right now. Thanks for making this forum so I have a place to promote my campaign! :)

    Here's my campaign if you wanted to take a look:
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