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Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negative?
  • silisonic
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negativ

    by silisonic » Fri Oct 23, 2015 1:20 pm

    We tried a kickstarter campaign a few months ago. It started out good then fizzled by the 10th day so we cancelled it. We didn't do a lot of marketing before it went live, we were newbies and naive about how it worked. After evaluating their fees and structure we decided not to start another kickstarter.

    We came to conclusion that if we ran our campaign on our own website through Celery, we could lower our funding goal dramatically because we didn't have to pay so much in fees. Our campaign is doing great and we are well on our way to reaching our goal.

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    Kickstarter has been a great experience!

    by Quincy » Fri Oct 23, 2015 6:04 pm

    Kickstarter has been a great experience! We did our first campaign and had no idea that it would spring us into continually releasing new projects for the crowd-funding platform. We're currently on our 9th campaign! - If you're new to KS, keep this in mind. It may launch a string of similar projects. Here's our current project featuring 3D Printed Godzilla-like Monsters!

    Please see:
    CEO and Co-Founder of
    Currently funding 9th Kickstarter Campaign.
    Current Campaign: 3D-Printable Godzilla-like Monsters!
  • Volume Design
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negativ

    by Volume Design » Sun Oct 25, 2015 4:58 pm

    I launched my first Kickstarter about a week ago, really focusing on the promotion trail right now.

    Looking to post in smartphone centric blogs etc. Let me know if you have any tips or critics.

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  • Sneakerbelt
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negativ

    by Sneakerbelt » Tue Nov 03, 2015 12:30 pm

    Dear Sal,

    Although a rough experience doesn't have to be negative, I really like you asking these questions.

    - Have you learned any new skills (marketing/social media)?
    Yes. My campaign is in a few days, I have read a lot of the Crowdcrux stuff, but still IT IS TOUGH LABOR. nothing runs by itself and I wonder if it's my product, brand, pricing or otherwise.

    - Have you gotten any backers you don't know?

    - What has been frustrating?
    Not knowing what to change or which actions to take.

    - How did you motivate yourself daily?
    By thinking of people wearing my product: SNKRBLT (say: sneakerbelt)

    - Are you planning on starting a business if your Kickstarter goes well?

    - What tools or websites do you recommend (others than this one haha)?
    Will try some more.

    All specific advice is welcome! Please have alook at my page!
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  • katSR
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negativ

    by katSR » Sat Nov 07, 2015 11:34 pm

    Running a Kickstarter campaign has been entirely more stressful and consuming than I ever anticipated. It basically takes over your life for the duration of the campaign. As I'm not naturally attracted to sales, I feel like I'm pushing Tupperware despite actually being incredibly passionate and invested in my project. I'm a psychologist and have created a really cool kids' communication tool for parents and am really hoping to get this successfully funded. Fingers crossed and doing all I can to push it out into the world. :) ... t-for-kids
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negativ

    by Tice » Sat Nov 21, 2015 6:56 pm

    Our kickstarter is positive so far. We've backed 30% in the first 2 days.

    We've got many visitors on our béta website, which is linked on our kickstarter page.

    On that website, I've measured that there where a lot of visitors in the first 2 or 3 days, But now it's getting a bit silent... :?

    Is this just because our Kickstarter isn't showing up anymore after 2 days? Or because everyone already seen it?
    How do i get the traffic back again?

    Thanks for your reply.

  • Eric_L
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negativ

    by Eric_L » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:23 am

    Very limited experience so far since we have been so busy prepping the product but are now in the approval process with kickstarter. Was surprised that we were asked during the approval process to provide additional videos demonstrating the hardware and software working together in single unedited cuts. We have friends that had other technology products that were not required to demonstrate this but as our product is close to completion we were able to put something together quick even though the video is very simply shot and not refined as we would like it to be.. Since kickstarter is taking longer to get approval, we have had more time to focus now on the social media aspect which I guess is good.

    Hopefully we can launch soon even though I don't think the holiday season is the best time to launch.

    Preview link to our project is below so any suggestions or comments would be appreciated. Also our Thunderclap link is below so if you like what you see and what to help us get the word out, support would be great.
    Eric and Mendel Lin
    Please support us on Kickstarter:
  • LukeHambly
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negativ

    by LukeHambly » Fri Nov 27, 2015 5:29 pm

    Positive so far but trying to keep our steam up! ... ssed-water
  • binspired
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negativ

    by binspired » Sat Nov 28, 2015 11:26 pm

    It's been positive and negative so far. I sure have learned some lessons. I think I probably rushed into a kickstarter due to time constraints with my product. It's certainly a little stressful!
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  • igorpav89
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    Re: Has your Kickstarter experience been positive or negativ

    by igorpav89 » Thu Dec 10, 2015 12:14 pm

    So far I'm lunching my second project.

    The first one was a complete fail, why, because it was focused on a food, food that eventually could not be delevered anywhere except my home town.

    Now, I've came up with a better idea, a project that all the contributors could actually get their hands on once when and if successfully funded and finished.

    It's a total new approach to food, since I am the chef with Michelin star experience for almost 10 years now, with a dream to bring Michelin experience into every home, and into every kitchen, exposing all those little secrets used by us professional chefs.

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