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What have you learned from running a Kickstarter campaign?
  • Cedaria_Dev
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    Re: What have you learned from running a Kickstarter campaig

    by Cedaria_Dev » Wed Oct 30, 2013 7:52 am


    We are working on the production of a video game titled "Cedaria: Blackout". Unfortunately, we did not make our goal on Kickstarter. However, it was not all a huge failure; we did learn some valuable lessons in the process... ones that we'll be sure never to make again! In fact, our writer posted about these lessons on our official blog, and we thought we'd share them here. Maybe someone would benefit from them. =]

    Socialize first, ask for money later.

    Our biggest mistake happened on the social media front. We only activated our accounts on Twitter, Facebook and the rest of the SM gang on the first day of Kickstarter. Not the best idea. We struggled to gather followers at a time when we really needed backers, and a lot of time and effort went into building our social media base when we should’ve really been focusing on Kickstarter updates and trying to keep our backers happy.

    Read the rest of the post here.

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    Re: What have you learned from running a Kickstarter campaig

    by fvreeman » Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:29 pm

    inflexionUSA wrote:In my opinion business opportunities today are unlike ever before. Today individuals and small businesses have amazingly powerful tools to compete with anyone-anywhere in the world. The key is to learn and master design, manufacturing, marketing, promotion and new ways of doing business. It's a lot to master, but if you do ...

    Great discussion over the last couple of months.

    On this thread several times we've been philosophizing a bit about this new phenomena of crowdfunding - from my point of view it looks like it has legs. I think it would be cool to start a new thread on product development, marketing, distribution, and what it all means for the future. Anybody have ideas for a thread title? Suggest: Why is crowdfunding getting so big? Will it continue to grow?

    We can discuss how this is really creating a new economic model for product development, manufacturing, distribution, and sales and how the new system can make products possible that could not have been created under the old (inventor - manufacturer - distributor - retail store) system.

  • infinitesatori
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    Re: What have you learned from running a Kickstarter campaig

    by infinitesatori » Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:19 pm

    Well, I'm still learning as I am running my campaign. I still have 31 days, so I'm still hopeful. ... -wanderers

    One thing I've learned for sure is to not get discouraged, even when your expectations aren't met, the people who you thought would promote your work didn't, or the pledges aren't coming in as fast and as high as you think.

    Running a Kickstarter campaign is super tough. Especially when you don't have a massive amount of followers. It's a roller coaster. I'm a photographer and travel blogger who has developed a good amount of following over this past year, but even just 4,300 likes on Facebook isn't enough. And getting shared by someone with a decent following isn't quite enough either. I learned to keep pushing through. I'm still trying to figure out what I could be doing better as for my pitching my messages to all these blogs, public figures, etc. And I've thought of canceling a few times. But I'm not going to do that. Because I still have 31 days. A lot can happen in a month, a lot can even happen in one day. It depends on perception and the efforts made.

    Just keep going is all I've learned so far. And today, right now, at this moment, that's good enough.
  • JonConMusic
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    Re: What have you learned from running a Kickstarter campaig

    by JonConMusic » Thu Dec 12, 2013 2:02 am

    LeatherDiceBags wrote:I agree. Connect. Have your social media built and in place in advance. I didn't do that, and I'm having to play catch up.

    Listen to your Backers. Respond in a timely manner, with real information. If it would bother you as a Backer, don't do it. Still not sure? Ask your Backers. Don't say something unless you really mean it. Nothing bothers me more than when a project creator goes back on something they've said. If you aren't sure, tell your Backers that. Better to be honest and upfront than disappointing later on.

    You can see exactly what order your Backers appear in; you could offer reward fulfillment in a first come, first serve basis. I didn't realize that before I started.

    Sound Advice!
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    Re: What have you learned from running a Kickstarter campaig

    by JonConMusic » Thu Dec 12, 2013 2:31 am

    It can be very time consuming but sending personalized messages to fans/friends/family/media can be very effective. I think the key is, to not pin anyone into a corner or pressure them to be a backer. There are a lot of other ways that they can support your project along with being backer or in place of it. I feel that if you give them some other options along with supporting you monetarily you may be surprised at the positive reaction.
  • InfiniteHorizonsUly
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    Re: What have you learned from running a Kickstarter campaig

    by InfiniteHorizonsUly » Sat Dec 14, 2013 9:14 am

    Never push that cancel button! Do not give up. Keep the thoughts at bay about failing to fund. Most creators launch in terms of indefinite viability--what I mean is, if you opened a gallery in Encinitas, you keep going until you stop wanting to run a business, or you go out of business.

    Think of each campaign as a test market. If Round One fails to fund, then adjust and move on to Round Two. And if help is offered TAKE IT. Running a campaign should be a Team Effort, if you have people who will help you without the possibility of compensation.

    I agree. Sometimes the people in your life that you expect to help sometimes never do--and conversely, random people pop up and pledge that you never thought would care to support you.

    I have learned that social media platforms are very difficult to master. It is easy to like or follow. But when money is involved--well, that is an entirely different animal.
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  • InfiniteHorizonsUly
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    Re: What have you learned from running a Kickstarter campaig

    by InfiniteHorizonsUly » Sat Dec 14, 2013 9:42 am

    Just watched your video. I am stunned. My wife is a also a travel photographer. One day she will succumb to my pleas and launch a KS project. We lived lives of gypsie crafters on Maui then San Fran. It all started because I came back from a solo trip to Kaui and got my photos printed at Wolf Camera, where she worked. 6 months later we lay in a hammock and watched a silent lightening storm alight the skies of Belize.

    In truth we are always on that hammock, two souls trapped in the amber of time.

    Please check out this man>

    It is strange, the roles we play in this Movie of Life. Yes, he has a staff of 16 right now--but this is just the part of the river we are gliding on--in the row boats of our lives (merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily. . . life is but a dream).

    In 1999 he was running around San Francisco with his wife Helen. I was working at gift store that carried his prints. I loved when it was time to reorder, because that meant he had to come in and restock his prints in the bin. You see, I was teaching myself art then (the piece, "Moonlit Dreams" was drawn from "borrowed" paper from the Beach Chalet where I worked) and wanted to know how to be a "print artist" like him.

    The common thread I recall is, "hard work."

    It stuns me when I see where he and Helen have gone--it is as if he exists in another universe. But, I learn from everyone I meet or find online. . . and I am still learning from Jesse. . . learning where hard work actually can take some of us.

    After he connected me with my first frame shop job at The Artisans on Union Street I lost touch with him for awhile. He and Helen soon left San Fran. They only carried film, backpacks and his camera. They traveled the world. He trapped the world behind his lens. And the rest of the story is still being written. . .

    Send him your campaign link. Your video is stunning. Read his blog.

    My point?>Your book is already here. You will find a way to fund the trip. It could be this project, or next. . . who knows? But never cancel this project. One day--if given permission--I will tell the story of how a family member was funded by a Hollywood actor. Sounds like bs. I know. But that same actor just pledged 10k on a KS project.
    Never cancel.
    Who knows what will happen?
    In the KS Time Warp.
    Anything is possible.
    If you would like to see my art, then visit my tiny node on the web, click>>>
  • WarPath
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    Re: What have you learned from running a Kickstarter campaig

    by WarPath » Sun Dec 29, 2013 6:32 pm

    One thing I learned? FB Ads don't work. They'll get you fan page links but getting people to the site? That's another matter. Most of what others have said is stuff I agree with, especially how people you wouldn't normally expect to help do help and people you thought were for-sure's definitely don't
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    Re: What have you learned from running a Kickstarter campaig

    by CrowdEnergy » Sat Jan 04, 2014 7:33 am

    Wow I just read all of this post and it seems everyone did it different ways.
    It seems that building your social media following beforehand is key.
    I wish there was a proven PR Firm mentioned where X dollars =X results.

    We are gearing up to launch but there seems to be more marketing opportunity for a launched project.

    Our Kickstarter pre launch here :
  • tomeilon
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    Re: What have you learned from running a Kickstarter campaig

    by tomeilon » Thu Jan 09, 2014 5:56 pm

    My name is Tom Eilon, I'm a successful Kickstarter creator and am currently making a video course for Kickstarter: " How to raise $100k on Kickstarter". All the insights are coming from Kickstarter creators that together have raised over $1m.

    I'm starting the interviews next week, so it would be great to get your thoughts (and your reader's thoughts / feedback) on the questions I'm going to ask… What are the key things that new creators want to know??? Here's my draft of the structure of the course… all feedback and comments welcome:

    I'd be happy to provide a FREE coupon for the course, to anyone who sends over feedback or questions for me to ask.

    What do you think?

    Best regards,
    How to be Successful on Kickstarter - Video Course
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