Tool to check if a contact opened your email
  • T.O. Athlete
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    Tool to check if a contact opened your email

    by T.O. Athlete » Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:26 pm

    I just started using a Chrome extension app called MailTrack and I am a HUGE FAN.

    I paid for the pro version ($6 for a month) is it's well worth it. It informs you right away if someone opened an email you sent them from your gmail account and tells you if they clicked the links you sent them. I wish I knew this when I first started sending press releases to bloggers and newspapers. Even if they don't respond, you can now tell if it's because they haven't seen your email yet, or because maybe they are just not interested. It also helps with follow up emails to people who may have opened your email but haven't responded you don't have to guess....and you won't make the mistake of bothering them because you happened to send a follow up when they haven't read the first email.

    I would also say it's good when sending emails to friends and family, so you know if they got your email when asking for support.

    Hope this helps.

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    Re: Tool to check if a contact opened your email

    by Jonathan08 » Fri Sep 18, 2015 5:46 am


    Yep, just installed this, it rocks! thanks for making me aware!

    P.S good luck to you guys on your campaign, looks like a solid product. I'll will share on my facebook page.
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    Re: Tool to check if a contact opened your email

    by Cristina » Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:58 am

    This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.
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