How to reach a nationwide audience ? facebook, twitter?
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    How to reach a nationwide audience ? facebook, twitter?

    by mmacisso » Wed Sep 09, 2015 8:16 pm

    Hi my product is a Maine Lobster Roll Kit shipped overnight. Therefore, my real market is nationwide in markets outside of New England. I've built up about 1150 facebook likes and plan to use FB ad campaigns to push this to targeted demographics.

    Also, I'm reaching out to Twitter for those in crowdfunding.

    My campaign is all about educating the market place, gaining proof of concept and lining up pre-sales of our product.

    We have a great video.

    Should I think of going on Redit? What's the best way to intro a KS campaign on Redit?

    Thanks so much for any advice from you guys who are smarter than me!

    Marty Macisso Jr
    Maine's Best Lobster Roll LLC
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    Re: How to reach a nationwide audience ? facebook, twitter?

    by lowkey » Thu Sep 10, 2015 2:31 pm

    Since its a gourmet product, you might want to stay alert on few things :

    1. Always choose CPM over CPC.
    - Choose to pay for impressions over clicks since you can easily attract potential customers with fancy pictures instead of spending more for clicks.

    2. Tell them why its special in less than 20 words
    - This is a lazy era. People dont bother to read an article about how special it is. Make them feel hungry with your short description.

    3. This is a tough market
    - For your product, it wont be huge like Potato Salad guy. But, it might get you somewhere given you choose to expand through your family and friends first.
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    Re: How to reach a nationwide audience ? facebook, twitter?

    by Tziga » Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:03 pm

    What about Linkedin? i think it' a more consumer-oriented audience. And you can always get in touch with some allied company.
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    Re: How to reach a nationwide audience ? facebook, twitter?

    by Tziga » Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:05 pm

    I think even G+ is a valid option, there are many groups and communities about crowdfunding.
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    Re: How to reach a nationwide audience ? facebook, twitter?

    by lowkey » Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:31 pm

    I do agree with Linkedin.

    But if you consider G+, i rather put them all into one group : social networks. Its all the same. You may get the same number of customers from Facebook, Twitter or iG for that matter..Might be less on Google+ but on the bright side, it doesnt really matter since "presence" itself is important.
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    Re: How to reach a nationwide audience ? facebook, twitter?

    by Cristina » Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:35 am

    This post has been moved to the Kickstarter and Crowdfunding Questions Only (Strict) section.
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    Re: How to reach a nationwide audience ? facebook, twitter?

    by mnoble » Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:53 pm

    I have received 5 offers through Kickstarter for large group tweets at $7 . They promise 40,000 viewers - seems like it must not be that valuable to the campaign if so cheap.
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    Re: How to reach a nationwide audience ? facebook, twitter?

    by sbriggman » Tue Sep 15, 2015 4:03 am

    In my experience, crowdfunding comes down to reaching the right audience moreso than a worldwide audience. Based on your progress thus far, a few bits of feedback:

    - Nail down why people aren't pledging and you only have two backers.
    - Nail down why your friends and family aren't pledging.
    - What is the initial thought or objection when someone comes to the page?
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    Re: How to reach a nationwide audience ? facebook, twitter?

    by giftsandcoupons » Tue Sep 15, 2015 5:35 am

    I couldn't see the link, so a direct KS link would of been that might be an issue for others.

    So you're selling lobster rolls? Not sure how fish and bread products and "sending by post" mix well together? That might put people off too. If you provide answers to their potential fears, I bet you'll get alot more backers. - Get more exposure of your Kickstarter / Indiegogo Project - We Showcase the Ultimate Gifts
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    Re: How to reach a nationwide audience ? facebook, twitter?

    by Jonathan08 » Sat Sep 19, 2015 8:03 pm

    Hi Marty,

    I've had a look at your campaign and I would just cancel it right now and save yourself the time. It will not work, I guarantee you. As soon as I read the bottom about all that you wanted to do and what the plan was it made no sense, you want 5,000$ to

    "We need to raise capital for the following areas: -Buildout of a full service Ecommerce web site/coding/design/hosting -Cost of leasing an industrial fulfillment facility and shipping center -Costs of additional equipment -Hiring of additional staff -Inventory - fresh Maine lobster meat is not cheap -Advertising and Marketing costs -Additional regulatory costs We have relationships with lobsterman and buy directly off the boat, however, depending on the volume of our business - we likely will have to expand beyond the current storefront."

    there is NO way you are going to do all that with 5,000$, you will barely cover the cost of the website if you go completely custom route.
    It's a good idea and seeing those pictures and video has my mouth watering, but it's a BIG idea and you're trying to start way too big. You have too many reward levels with too much in them which makes things complicated and confusing.

    You need to start much smaller, kickstarter is all about keeping things simple and giving investors a return on their money. The good thing about what you're doing is that you can make the "product" right there at your shop, you don't need to incur extra shipping costs or worry about taxes and duties and all that.

    Structure it like this:

    talk about phase one, mom and pop shop looking to share their awesome lobster maine rolls with the world.

    ----- offer home made lobster meat and a bun in a package all ready for shipment as a reward,
    then maybe just have a few more tiers of larger quantities. Keep it simple. And explain how you are going to ship them because that's one of the biggest questions I'm sure people have.
    Brand the box with a cool logo so people will spread the word, "hey, I can get awesome, unique main lobster rolls from this place....." and the word will spread. But KIS--keep it simple.

    you might only get a 100-200 backers, but that's ok, you take that money and then invest in a website that will do ecommerce like shopify, you can create an account for only 30$/month. Then maybe hire and train a few college students to help you make rolls and then you can start shipping them out once the word starts to spread from your successful kickstarter campaign. All in baby steps.

    again, just my2cents

    hope this helps.

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