Gadget Flow or Krowdster
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    Gadget Flow or Krowdster

    by lostinwebspace » Wed Aug 26, 2015 1:21 am

    Anybody here have any experience using Gadget Flow or Krowdster?

    Just wondering if they're worth the investment.

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    Re: Gadget Flow or Krowdster

    by Scientifical Hamster » Fri Aug 28, 2015 5:48 pm

    I have some experience with Krowdster, and I wasn't all that chuffed after I gave them the money ($99, I went for the top package, all inclusive) and got into the account... Here are a few points you might be interested in:

    - the Crowd Builder which claims to give you access to some 500K+ backers is very vague indeed. You do get access to a basic list of some 500K people (probably, I haven't counted) and their Twitter, FB, etc. accounts, however there is not any indication anywhere that they have actually backed projects or what their interests are. Furthermore, there are not many sorting options, or at least not as many as I wanted. Could be useful if you have a full-time employee contacting (i.e. spamming) them, otherwise doesn't seem like it.
    - the Media Lists of Journalists and Bloggers are a complete waste of time. It's not worth mentioning anything else, they're that bad...
    - I haven't tried the PR Distribution yet, I am saving it for another project. Might be OK, might not be, I don't know yet.
    - all the other tools are just statistics, analytics, etc. Some of them are interesting and even useful, although most of them give you some pretty obvious/common sense information. It might be useful to look at them from time to time and then analyse your campaign based on the info you got, however, are they worth $99/month? I would be tempted to say no. They would hardly be worth $39/month, for one month only, when your campaign is active...

    My overall verdict: I've seen much, much worse services and websites in this field, so it does stand out in a pool of deceit and rubbish websites, however it promises a bit more than it delivers.
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    Re: Gadget Flow or Krowdster

    by 0riginking3 » Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:12 am

    Hey Mate, There are very few websites/services that are worth what they charge (which is unfortunate for the KS and crowdfunding community in general). 'The Gadget Flow' does seem intriguing as they have a REAL fan-base and lots of high quality traffic, and for this reason, I am going to be giving there standard plan ($280) a go. I'll be sure to post a review in a new thread about how it goes in a few weeks :)

    I haven't used Krowdster and do not plan on using them due to negative feedback from a good friend of mine. What I did sign up to a few weeks ago however is a website called

    Now BackerDatabase has a free trial so you can check out the administration panel and see exactly the services that they have on offer, and if you do wish to continue your purchase to actually use those features it is $19.99 (which is quite a reasonable price). They have an exportable media database of 2.5k+ contacts as well as a PR blaster (that automatically sends your press release to another few thousand contacts). I am yet to try out either of these services, but again, will provide a full review when I get the chance to experiment with everything they have to offer.

    My favourite service they provide are 'backer leads'. They have Facebook profiles, Twitter profiles, Google + profiles as well as Tumblr, Reddit, and website leads. You can filter these by which category of project they created/backed and have the ability to go through them all and personally connect with everyone yourself to get the word out. This is something I have used quite a bit and the lists seem to be updated from what I could see.

    SUMMARY: Krowdster; not so sure (but haven't used them so can't personally comment in that respect). Gadget Flow; looks good, will be trying there standard plan in a couple of weeks time. BackerDatabase; a cheap way to find backer leads and media contacts (worth the $19.99).

    If anyone has any questions, please let me know :) I will be sure to review all services I use in independent threads once I have the time to delve deeper into everything. All the best!

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    Re: Gadget Flow or Krowdster

    by maxstone » Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:03 am

    gadget flow seems to be better, they have a massive amount of followers and traffic, it worked for us anyway.

    lostinwebspace wrote:Anybody here have any experience using Gadget Flow or Krowdster?

    Just wondering if they're worth the investment.
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    Re: Gadget Flow or Krowdster

    by thegadgetflow » Wed Sep 02, 2015 8:00 am

    Thanks for the post :)

    Since 2012 we've helped more than 3000 customers - I went ahead and messaged your our latest case studies:D

    We have a huge platform with thousands of followers and millions of visitors every month that are eager to discover great new products.

    lostinwebspace wrote:Anybody here have any experience using Gadget Flow or Krowdster?

    Just wondering if they're worth the investment.
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    Re: Gadget Flow or Krowdster

    by giftsandcoupons » Wed Sep 02, 2015 8:45 am

    Actually haven't heard of Krowdster before, The Gadget Flow I've heard guys seem a little expensive though ;)

    It actually depends on what product you're promoting and who you think the best target audience is?

    If they're young, perhaps go for a site with a better social media platform, if they're an older fan base - perhaps target different sites. BackerDB or the Sumo site is pretty good if you want to do the ground work yourself. I could recommend us at Gifts and Coupons if you think we're a good match.

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    Re: Gadget Flow or Krowdster

    by bena » Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:25 pm

    We used both -
    Havent had much luck from either.

    Gadget flow - we received 1 conversion.

    Krowdster - the PR list is pretty useless - havent had anything from it.
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    Re: Gadget Flow or Krowdster

    by luisvis » Mon Sep 07, 2015 6:27 am

    never used krowdster, we went with gadget flow and got around $6k in pledges, we'll use them again in the near future.
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    Re: Gadget Flow or Krowdster

    by smokoinc » Mon Sep 07, 2015 9:45 am

    lostinwebspace wrote:Anybody here have any experience using Gadget Flow or Krowdster?

    Just wondering if they're worth the investment.

    we've promoted a couple products with GF and both campaigns were pretty successful
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    Re: Gadget Flow or Krowdster

    by psebastian » Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:35 pm

    I actually never (yet) had a Kickstarter campaign, but I used GadgetFlow to promote one business of mine,
    Also, I never used Krowdster so my review is only for GadgetFlow.

    I used a 30% discount code I found here and I got the smallest package ($280).

    During the gig I was amazed by two things:
    - The founder is everywhere. He's answering all the emails with incredible speed and he is extremely helpful.
    - They still pushed my product on Twitter and Facebook long after they had too do it.

    The deal results:
    - I sold directly to visitors coming from more than I paid
    - It helped us to get more followers on all the social channels.
    - I got a valuable link that helped for sure with the SEO.

    Negative thoughts:
    - none

    For me the first gig was an experiment, and I'm glad it was a successful one.
    Now I'm going for the premium package ($3499) and I'm hoping this will also be a successful experiment! :-)

    I'll come back with the feedback for this package too in one month.

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