Kickstarter - Soul Fries
  • swolladad
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    Kickstarter - Soul Fries

    by swolladad » Fri Aug 21, 2015 11:58 pm

    Hi everyone. My name is Soledad and I just launched my first Kickstarter a few days ago. I am somehow at 3% of my goal. (Yay!) So happy to have found this forum and talk with others experiencing the kickstarter journey! Please check mine out ... =discovery
    Last edited by swolladad on Sun Aug 23, 2015 12:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

  • Mr. YouthWriter
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    Re: Kickstarter - Soul Fries

    by Mr. YouthWriter » Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:09 pm

    Hey Soledad, just a few things. One, your link has "at" before the "https", which means the link does not go to your Kickstarter page. It should be, "" (without the quotation marks obviously). Additionally, I'm thinking you should probably add more reward levels, and not all higher up ones either. Maybe have a couple reward levels between the $20 and $100 level? And also make a $5, just in case someone can't pledge $20. Finally, perhaps you should have more pictures, create a longer description and make a video. Just my recommendations.
    Like books? Me too! That's why me, a 17 year old writer, successfully raised money for my first book on Kickstarter. Go ahead and check out the link:
  • swolladad
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    Re: Kickstarter - Soul Fries

    by swolladad » Sun Aug 23, 2015 12:13 am

    Thank you!!
  • CfDoodles
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    Re: Kickstarter - Soul Fries

    by CfDoodles » Mon Aug 24, 2015 12:11 am

    I'd agree with the above comment. More lower level items that have value to the backers. For 20 bucks they get a shout out on twitter? Maybe think about moving that to a 1 dollar backer. Here is the reason why. People make look at 20 and think ehhh, a dont like frys that much and all I get is a shout out. But for a dollar, they think, Super Size me.... Plus here is the bonus for you. More people will like hit the 1 dollar sign up. If you get their twitter, that is FREE advertisement for your kick starter campaign. @LoveFries Thanks for supporting me on my Fries Adventure 'insert kickstarter link' Boom, now you have all their followers checking you link. Just 2 cents :)

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