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The Rules For This Forum
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    The Rules For This Forum

    by sbriggman » Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:56 pm

    For Kickstarter/Indiegogo Creators:

    1. The website will only allow you to create a new topic if you have commented at least 3 times on others' topics. You could provide feedback, comments, or add thoughts to other discussions.

    2. Post in the appropriate section.

    3. Don't be rude and spam your link.

    4. Be sure to include your campaign link in your signature.

    For Advertisers/Business Service Providers or anyone offering paid services:

    1. You must PM or email me to get approval to promote a paid product or service on this forum. Failure to do so can result in post deletion or account deletion without warning.

    2. If by our own reasoning we determine that you are a bot or use a fake account to promote your business, we may delete your account(s) and post(s) as we see fit.

    For all users

    Your posts and account may be deleted for any reason whatsoever at any time.

    Why I started this forum

    I started this forum so that creators can talk with each other and help each other out during a crowdfunding campaign. We've been having to deal with a lot of bots, service spammers, and questionable businesses in the past few months, so we're going to be enforcing stricter guidelines to protect the community.

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    Re: The Rules For This Forum

    by Charles » Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:35 pm

    Thumbs up! Good posting. I like the visibility of it in the forum section at the top of the forum index.
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    Re: The Rules For This Forum

    by sbriggman » Mon Apr 06, 2015 9:52 pm

    Thanks :). How's Squatch Kick going? Gotta do a joint podcast episode one of these days
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    Re: The Rules For This Forum

    by Charles » Tue Apr 07, 2015 7:04 am

    sbriggman wrote:Thanks :). How's Squatch Kick going?

    You're too aware and up to snuff on the crowdfunding scene to not know the answer to that question.

    I didn't feel too good, near the end of the year, last year, and pretty much dropped off the face of crowdfunding.

    The last few days, I have been fiddling and experimenting with new templates for the blog on which the Squatch Kick website is based. Time isn't always close at hand, and just as before, having turned my gaze and attention upon crowdfunding again, over the last week or two, I have been spending more time posting in this forum of yours than on my own blog, Sal. That's not a complaint so much as it is just a statement of fact. I've posted what? Over four hundred postings in this forum, since I first started using it back on July , 2014? Little wonder that the Squatch Kick site seems so bare, eh?

    Hopefully, I can get back into a groove of some type, in the coming days and weeks.

    I've pondered shutting it down, and I've pondered merging it into one of my other blogs. It's funny, in a way, Sal - no matter what I manage to offload to to cease doing, I never seem to end up getting more writing done on any of the blogs. Go figure!

    sbriggman wrote:Gotta do a joint podcast episode one of these days

    I wouldn't know how, seeing as how I have never done a podcast, before. You're still chugging right along, I see. How many crowdfunding sites do you have, now? I have been checking several of them out, of late. I even tried that PitchFuse one, again, a day or two ago. It's probably my least favorite of the bunch, but not because of the concept, but because of a couple of issues which I find to be annoying, and which deal with links, primarily.

    Regardless, it's good to "see" you, again. I hope that all is well with you.
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    Re: The Rules For This Forum

    by sbriggman » Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:07 pm

    Yeah, I remember that complaint of yours about PitchFuse. It's harder to rapidly iterate with it due to higher development costs and time, as it's a custom site.

    CrowdCrux has always been the main site. This forum and others like Crowdfundingforum just arose because the industry is so new and sites like this need to exist.

    Time management is tough in general. I try to write 2,000 words 5 days a week to line up blog posts for the future. Hard to do that and also interact on forums and keep everything going. I try to set specific days I'll do X. Some blogs like will do one post a week. Others like CrowdCrux, do more.

    What are your others blogs?
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    Re: The Rules For This Forum

    by Charles » Wed Apr 08, 2015 11:34 pm

    sbriggman wrote:Yeah, I remember that complaint of yours about PitchFuse. It's harder to rapidly iterate with it due to higher development costs and time, as it's a custom site.

    Well, the more recent complaint stemmed from my most recent visit there. In a nutshell, for that type of site, the ability to right click is a big plus. It won't let me do what I am used to doing on many sites.

    sbriggman wrote:CrowdCrux has always been the main site. This forum and others like Crowdfundingforum just arose because the industry is so new and sites like this need to exist.

    Well, perhaps it has always been the main site, for you. For me, for comparison's sake, this site has always been the main site, as far as crowdfunding goes.

    sbriggman wrote:Time management is tough in general. I try to write 2,000 words 5 days a week to line up blog posts for the future. Hard to do that and also interact on forums and keep everything going. I try to set specific days I'll do X. Some blogs like will do one post a week. Others like CrowdCrux, do more.

    So, your goal is ten grand in words per week?

    sbriggman wrote:What are your others blogs?

    None of any real consequence. My blogs don't tend to be business oriented, and most of what I do write doesn't tend to be on blogs.

    I have a comic book related blog, one that gets very little attention, also, called Ye Olde Comic Book Temple. It's mostly an outgrowth of my interest in both comic books and comic book style art. Both of those interests played a strong role in me becoming interested in crowdfunding. Of the 134 Kickstarter projects that I have backed, 50 of them have pertained to projects related to comics. That's no mere coincidence.

    I also have a blog that was originally intended to track my interested in a particular artist. That blog has pretty much ground to a halt, though. It is called The Age of Justus, and was intended to serve as a sort of tribute to the artist in question, a young man by the name of Nick Justus. Having been more than a year since I last posted to it, though, it would be easy to see why a visitor that happened upon it quite by chance might mistake it for being dead.

    There's also another bog that is technically mine, but which hasn't been updated in a long while, either. I have largely disinvolved myself in play by mail gaming, and the entire site has begun gathering dust. That blog is located over at PlayByMail.Net. I was publishing a free small scale PBM magazine in PDF format for a bit, but when I tried to transition that to someone else, the next issue never seemed to make it to publication. It remains an interest of mine, but these days, I have mostly allocated my personal time to other pursuits.
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    Re: The Rules For This Forum

    by sbriggman » Mon Apr 13, 2015 8:09 pm

    Glad you love the forum!! :-D.

    My goal is to write every day. Some days it's like 1,000 words. Some days it's a lot more. Try to average 2k.

    Oh cool! Blogging for fun is the best way to share thoughts and also give attention to projects or people that you think deserve more attention. Doing more fun-related blogging on my personal one. Thanks for the comment btw.

    Might be trying out youtube more later this year at some point - have to get a nicer video camera first.
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    Re: The Rules For This Forum

    by LizEnright » Mon Apr 13, 2015 10:20 pm

    Thank you for organizing this forum. It's easy to navigate and full of wonderful advice!

    My first Kickstarter campaign is now live. Zinetendo, a Nintendo anthology full of comics and illustrations, can be found here:
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    Re: The Rules For This Forum

    by Aiyannagreene » Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:40 pm

    I love that, unlike reddit, you let people post right away as long as they engage with content and prove they aren't bots. When you are kickstarting, you don't have time to spend 5 days waiting to be reddit approved. Thanks a lot :D.
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    Re: The Rules For This Forum

    by Kathy_RN » Sun Apr 26, 2015 2:07 am

    Thanks; looking forward to participating in the forums!
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