PAINT POT Kickstarter - Need help as at a loss
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    Re: PAINT POT Kickstarter - Need help as at a loss

    by Charles » Thu Apr 16, 2015 1:30 am

    You should post more of your history and experience in software development.

    Also, on the old Spectre Studio page, there's the following image of the toad that now adorns the Paint Pot image below the project image.


    Try this, Paul - Have some kids color some images, and have them give the painted characters names. It will personalize the images more, helping to increase the personal aspect of your crowdfunding project page.

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    Re: PAINT POT Kickstarter - Need help as at a loss

    by giftsandcoupons » Thu Apr 16, 2015 1:38 am

    I'd have to agree with Charles, plus I mentioned that the video would need subtitles. You mentioned it's your daughter's voice...that's great, but I really couldn't understand her well enough.

    Showing kids using the app would be the major thing. You're connecting to the kids, via their parents. My thinking is that you need "more" to your app, as point and paint has been done already and is available as a cheap app on the site I mentioned.

    I think there is plenty of time to change your kickstarter page, connect with kids forums too, let them know about it as it's your target audience. - Get more exposure of your Kickstarter / Indiegogo Project - We Showcase the Ultimate Gifts
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    Re: PAINT POT Kickstarter - Need help as at a loss

    by spectrepaul » Thu Apr 16, 2015 3:44 am

    Crickey I have updated further and will do more tomorrow. So far I have put more images in and the video you mentioned.

    I will add the Facebook. Didn't realise because I put a link to my Paint Pot Facebook page so thought that was it.

    Thanks for the feedback again, I can assure you though it is not half hearted measures as for example the explainer video is not just a vioceover, I actually redid the full video animation from scratch also.

    I will do something with my little image of me and I have also got the boxed Amiga software so will do new photos with bigger images, however the boxes are slightly faded due to age so will try to photo edit them.

    Haha don't know how you found Tad the Toad on my old site Spectre Studios because I can't even find it and forgot about that!

    Maybe in the section about the game I should start a story or something with characters explaining the app :)

    I am quite determined and really have put a lot of effort into this from last time its just a shame it doesn't seem to look like it.
    I havent used my voice on the video as I have quite a broad Northern UK accent and people in the US would probably struggle to understand me. :)

    Further feedback welcome. Thanks
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    Re: PAINT POT Kickstarter - Need help as at a loss

    by Charles » Thu Apr 16, 2015 3:49 am


    When you get a moment, go to this link on my blog site, and read the article it contains. It explains how to add a forum signature to your postings in this forum. ... forum.html
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    Re: PAINT POT Kickstarter - Need help as at a loss

    by Charles » Thu Apr 16, 2015 4:10 am

    spectrepaul wrote:Crickey I have updated further and will do more tomorrow. So far I have put more images in and the video you mentioned.

    I see that. Excellent! Now, it's starting to make my eyes perk up and take notice, as I scroll down the page. The additional visual stimuli is good.

    spectrepaul wrote:I will add the Facebook. Didn't realise because I put a link to my Paint Pot Facebook page so thought that was it.

    Better late than never, as the saying goes.

    spectrepaul wrote:Thanks for the feedback again, I can assure you though it is not half hearted measures as for example the explainer video is not just a vioceover, I actually redid the full video animation from scratch also.

    Your video has no actual person in it. You lose something, that way, that human element that people relate to.

    spectrepaul wrote:I will do something with my little image of me and I have also got the boxed Amiga software so will do new photos with bigger images, however the boxes are slightly faded due to age so will try to photo edit them.

    Even if they are faded, they will carry more visual punch, if bigger.

    spectrepaul wrote:Haha don't know how you found Tad the Toad on my old site Spectre Studios because I can't even find it and forgot about that!

    Try this link:

    spectrepaul wrote:Maybe in the section about the game I should start a story or something with characters explaining the app :)

    Something tends to be better than nothing.

    spectrepaul wrote:I am quite determined and really have put a lot of effort into this from last time its just a shame it doesn't seem to look like it.

    Understood, but largely irrelevant. My interest in providing feedback is confined to trying to help you achieve a better chance of getting funded. If calling previous efforts half measures gets your attention enough to persuade you to try again, then it serves its purpose. Often times, project creators give up, before the clock run out. Many projects are successfully funded near the very end of their respective campaign cycles. If what you have isn't working, then keep changing things, keep adding things. In a nutshell, keep trying.

    Your start is no worse than the start of many others. That said, it ain't over until it's over, until the proverbial fat lady sings. So, keep plugging away, refining your page and promoting your project.

    spectrepaul wrote:I havent used my voice on the video as I have quite a broad Northern UK accent and people in the US would probably struggle to understand me. :)

    Again, that misses the point. You don't have to narrate the entire video, but you should appear in it. Real people are infinitely more interesting than animations. Inter-splice real people into the animated portions. Mix it up a bit.

    spectrepaul wrote:Further feedback welcome. Thanks

    Go buy some fingerpaint, and have your kids to color you. Become one with the Paint Pot Force, young Paint Pot Padawan! Trust me - it will provide you a nice photo(s) that have lots of visual interest. Color your world, so that they will want to color their own - using Paint Pot.

    The new project image, can you crop it so that the girl is centered? She is slightly off-center in that photograph.

    If you get a group of people together, and you all smear paint on one another, it will create positive visual energy, and it will underscore the message that painting is fun. You can always wash it off, after the fact. Having a group sends a subliminal message that a sole individual in a photo can't send. Who wants to miss out on fun?

    Also, I backed you. I don't do large pledges, but it did add another notch in your backer belt.
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    Re: PAINT POT Kickstarter - Need help as at a loss

    by spectrepaul » Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:22 pm

    Right, just done a lot more work on it so hope you like the changes so far.
    I will still continue to update but used better pictures, added my Facebook and introduced the characters. I have also explained the range of educational titles so Paint Pot is just the beginning of the story :)

    Thanks for the pledge Charles it really does help every £1 and is appreciated greatly. Hope you can spread the word, just going to read the blog in a minute :)

    Good find with the Spectre Studios site!
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    Re: PAINT POT Kickstarter - Need help as at a loss

    by spectrepaul » Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:29 pm

    Just testing the signature if it works :)
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    Re: PAINT POT Kickstarter - Need help as at a loss

    by Charles » Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:37 pm

    spectrepaul wrote:Just testing the signature if it works :)

    It does.

    You can also make the link connect to the project name, itself, like I do in my signature to the project that I am backing.

    The most recent batch of image changes looks good. Much more visual impact, plus the nice photo of you and your wife.
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    Re: PAINT POT Kickstarter - Need help as at a loss

    by Charles » Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:42 pm

    It might not help, but I went ahead and added an image link to your project page from the Squatch Kick site.
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    Re: PAINT POT Kickstarter - Need help as at a loss

    by spectrepaul » Thu Apr 16, 2015 10:15 pm

    Think got it working :)

    Thanks for the link on your blog, you never know it might help and with the amount of days I have left I need it lol
    Glad you like the updates and noticed about the resubmitting the kickstarter to try again which I might do. Cheers again :)
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