PAINT POT Kickstarter - Need help as at a loss
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    Re: PAINT POT Kickstarter - Need help as at a loss

    by Charles » Sun Apr 12, 2015 5:40 am

    spectrepaul wrote:Would anyone be able to have another look at the project for feedback?
    I have started to add some pictures etc as mentioned above and am still working on this.

    I have to still update the video and add further pictures of kids playing my app yet but I think it is getting there.


    The image of you in the suit and tie. It's a small image. Opt for large images over small ones, You will generate more visual impact that way.

    Also, compare the smiles in the photo of you and the two kids with the lack of a smile in that suit and tie photo. Smiles generate positive visual energy. The resolution and contrast of the photo of you and the kids could be improved upon. Dark clothing in front of a brown wall. It lacks vibrant, energetic colors - which help to capture the human eye.

    Your text needs a rework, as well. You need lots of photos on your project page. It doesn't show much, in the way of what it accomplishes. Where's the artwork?

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    Re: PAINT POT Kickstarter - Need help as at a loss

    by kelly101 » Tue Apr 14, 2015 2:49 pm

    Hey, It looks much better and I notice you are getting more traction, good luck with the project. BTW the license fee for the app store is $99, so still not sure what the money is needed for?
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    Re: PAINT POT Kickstarter - Need help as at a loss

    by spectrepaul » Tue Apr 14, 2015 3:39 pm

    Maybe I need to look at this as I might not have explained well.

    Apple charge $99 a year for their fee but you also need Mac equipment to create the app in the first place which I don't have. I have windows based equipment which will not let you release on the Apple store. Most of the budget will be towards the Mac equipment and 2 years worth of App store fees. Then I need to licence some of the drawings out as I will not be able to draw 50 plus images myself and code the Apple version too to get it in on the deadline date of August.
    Other minor fees are to improve the website as I am using a free version at the moment and nominal advertising fees of around £50 to get the word in the Google Play store as it is hard to get your app noticed in the Play store without a small advertising budget due to Googles search options favouring paid advertised apps.
    Obviously I have tried to take into consideration Kickstarter and vat fees within this budget. So £1000 really is the minimum needed. I tried to calculate lower but it wouldn't be possible at a lower budget and I think £1000 is not unreasonable for what I am trying to do considering I have seen 5 figure sums for some others that people are asking for.

    Maybe I should try and explain better in the kickstarter.

    As it stands I don't think I will reach target with the length of time I have left but it will not be possible for me to release on the Apple store with out this campaign as it is just too expensive with me being a one man indie dev and a family to care for too.
    Apple is the key store to publish on and will help me onto my next project too once I have the equipment as there is a full range to release that I have planned.
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    Re: PAINT POT Kickstarter - Need help as at a loss

    by kelly101 » Tue Apr 14, 2015 6:37 pm

    If your project doesn't get funding I wouldn't give up - Have you ever used Corona SDK -
    I used it a few years ago but I remember it being pretty easy to use - it also allows you to create your app for one platform - say Android and then it will automatically convert the app to iphone and windows. It also allows you to use the software for free ( although this seems to good to be true so they probably want a percentage of the app)
    I think this might be a cheaper way to get your app made and It was easy to use.
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    Re: PAINT POT Kickstarter - Need help as at a loss

    by spectrepaul » Tue Apr 14, 2015 7:01 pm

    No worries with the follow. :)

    When coding for app stores you can use all sorts of code once and compile for eg Apple etc but the only thing is for Apple you can code on windows say but when it comes to compiling you have to compile on a Mac! Its just their way of securing more money but there is no way round it.

    Just doing another video clip for the explainer too so it should be better :)
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    Re: PAINT POT Kickstarter - Need help as at a loss

    by spectrepaul » Tue Apr 14, 2015 10:00 pm

    New explainer video is complete with voice over :)

    Just need an image of child with app and think sorted!
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    Re: PAINT POT Kickstarter - Need help as at a loss

    by spectrepaul » Wed Apr 15, 2015 3:18 am

    Okay I have took onboard a lot of what has been said here so thanks for the advice. I have worked hard updating this project including the video. I know I have not 100% addressed every point but I think this is much better. Any feedback?

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    Re: PAINT POT Kickstarter - Need help as at a loss

    by giftsandcoupons » Wed Apr 15, 2015 4:15 am

    For the phone app, I'd suggest CodeCanyon to get a painting app which already works for about $25 and it can use an RSS feed to update it automatically if you have a site already. Also maybe hire a gig on Fiverr, if you don't know how to set it up.

    For your video, I'm English too but I had problems understanding what your daughter was saying, perhaps the video would need subtitles on it?

    In terms of your Kickstarter site, I'd have to agree with most comments here. I don't really know what Paint Pot would offer me as an investor? There are drawings which kids can colour by hand, but the appeal would be long term and how would we make money back?

    What about asking for more money, to implement a feature where the phone/ipad could take a photo - convert it to black and white using your app and then colour in afterwards...that would be really cool! Then the ability to send and save those coloured in photos. I think your app needs to offer more, as there are similar apps already out there - even ones which have a community of artists who sketch and colour online at the same time. - Get more exposure of your Kickstarter / Indiegogo Project - We Showcase the Ultimate Gifts
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    Re: PAINT POT Kickstarter - Need help as at a loss

    by spectrepaul » Thu Apr 16, 2015 12:45 am

    Well I have tried my best and worked really hard to get more color into this kickstarter and added pictures of kids using the app with parent reviews.
    The video is new with a voiceover from my daughter and I don't think I could get it any better to be honest.
    It is soo much different from when I originally pressed the publish button and I just wish I had done it like this in the first place! But that's too late now anyway.

    Fingers crossed for this final week I have left.
    Hope you like the changes I have done, I have really tried to take on some of the advice you have given on here and I thank you for it.

    Maybe I have tempted some of you to pledge??? Even just a £1 as it all helps :)

    Anyway hope you can help and spread the word. Thanks again for your help.
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    Re: PAINT POT Kickstarter - Need help as at a loss

    by Charles » Thu Apr 16, 2015 1:19 am

    spectrepaul wrote:Well I have tried my best and worked really hard to get more color into this kickstarter and added pictures of kids using the app with parent reviews.

    You haven't even bothered to connect your personal Facebook page on the full bio section. Visually, the project page remains underwhelming. Your affinity for small images remains intact. The small KIds' SAcademy images, for example, should be swapped out for larger images, more vibrant ones. That one has a dull finish across most of it.

    spectrepaul wrote:The video is new with a voiceover from my daughter and I don't think I could get it any better to be honest.

    Really? A voiceover is an audio upgrade, not a video upgrade. The video is still wholly lacking in YOU discussing your project. It's better than nothing, but it isn't even remote near being couldn't be any better.

    spectrepaul wrote:It is soo much different from when I originally pressed the publish button and I just wish I had done it like this in the first place! But that's too late now anyway.

    It's not too late to keep improving your project page. Increase the number of images on it.

    spectrepaul wrote:Fingers crossed for this final week I have left.
    Hope you like the changes I have done, I have really tried to take on some of the advice you have given on here and I thank you for it.

    Maybe I have tempted some of you to pledge??? Even just a £1 as it all helps :)

    Anyway hope you can help and spread the word. Thanks again for your help.

    You've got eight days to make it happen. Whether the half measures that you have taken will suffice or not, time will tell one way or another. The Kicktraq data for your project is pointing towards 38% of goal, from your current 27% of goal. You may get a boost, at the very end - but, it would help you enormously to close half the remaining funding gap between now and the last day or two.

    Add the additional video somewhere on the page: ... r_embedded

    Your new photos show kids with a tablet, but it doesn't show them and the Paint Pot, at the same time. Have you no video clips that show kids playing with it? Have something show kids, their eyes and intensity and interest, their comments as they use it. You are missing out on a ton of potential interest generation, simply due to what you are failing to include on your project page.

    Add a bunch of different paintable images, in both black and white and in versions colored by kids. Your project page remains visually underpowered, in its current incarnation. Grab a camera, and start taking pictures. My experience has been that for every hundred photos that you take, you might be lucky enough to obtain one really good image.

    Kickstarter is a visual medium. It rewards visual energy, visual impact, and visual interest.
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