Solardy wrote:Hi Brandi,
Thank you very much.
I have been trying to use solar powered device as much as possible. But some solar powered device are pretty ugly. Or sometimes it just plain useless. I have a fancy melody in motion wall clock, I have thought of many ways to get it powrerd by solar cell. But without a factory involved, many solar cell in radioshack with hand soldering process will ruin my lovely looking clock. That's why I decide to initiate this project. Hopefully I can build a nice looking solar cell solution to help people with same need.
Hi Alec, I agree with Brandi, sounds like a great idea. Hopefully with your relaunch you'll attract the audience you deserve. I think your video looks good, but in all honesty I think you may be missing that personal connection that helps drawn in a lot of crowd funding support.
Have you considered adding some additional videos/information about you, your background, what this project means to you, etc? I think that would go a long way towards helping you hit higher numbers next time around.
One other thing to try would be be offering a new way of explaining how Solardy works. Perhaps a short video rather than the simple stills would help people see just how easy it is to install and operate.
Great campaign and great product, best of success to ya!