  • TheMerchRoom
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    by TheMerchRoom » Wed Mar 25, 2015 1:11 pm

    Good Afternoon all!

    TheMerchRoom is a Start-up Business aiming to provide individuals, groups or businesses the opportunity to custom design products for almost any event, but we need your help!

    We are seeking funding to expand our Equipment in order for us to compete in a wider market when we launch, and have set up a Kickstarter fund to hopefully achieve this.

    TheMerchRoom are in discussion with large social media accounts to promote the services and products of the business, with a custom affiliate scheme to pay them on their sales.

    Our current list of promoters that are willing to help us to grow the sales have over 10,000,000 Followers on twitter alone (that's 10 million!) This number is growing weekly.

    Our website has an online Custom Designer to allow customers to create their own completely unique design, with the average profit margins in the industry being high (prices driven by companies like Vistaprint) we are able to target an audience the competition have almost ignored (vistaprint only have 46,000 followers on twitter) and deliver a fantastic product at a great price.

    HOWEVER, we would like to expand on this, With the purchase of a new Large format 60" printer, we are able to expand our range to accommodate businesses, and have set up this kickstarter campaign to aid this equipment expansion. Please see our project for the list of products we will be able to produce with this equipment.

    The website is currently under maintenance, and will be complete in the next 2 weeks hopefully.

    We have set out some highly competitive rewards for the top donations including advertising your company, our twitter following generates over 120 million impressions per month, we expect traffic to our site to be high.

    We appreciate the time taken to read this, Please check out our project Launched this morning! ... emerchroom

    All the best,

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