Advice to help me improve my project.
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    Advice to help me improve my project.

    by KSundstrom » Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:09 pm

    My Kickstarter project has been live for about 18 days and I have about 42 days left. I've tweaked it I don't know how many times now to make it more appealing to people that decide to come check it out. I also have some paid advertising help going on to help me get my campaign noticed by the right type of supporters for my project.

    But no one is leaving any comments on whether they like what they or that they don't like what they see. So I would love it if some knowledgeable Kickstarter people would check out my project and give me some advice on how I can make it more appealing to possible backers.

    Getting this novel published is very important to me. One of the things I did this morning (I'm home from work sick today) is tweet some of my novel to my twitter followers. I'm still waiting to see how that efforts going to turn out.

    I have the link to my project in my signature. Believe me I will be very grateful for any advice and help this community is willing to provide me with.


    PS. Somehow my Kickstart link got corrupted during the outage today, so I redid my signature with a new link.

    Imagine the world covered with snow and ice. The Aurora Mission is a novel about that and the discovery of a new planet to migrate to.
    My goFundme campaign:
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    Re: Advice to help me improve my project.

    by sbriggman » Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:40 pm

    First of all, would make sure that you are asking people (call to action) to leave comments on your project should they choose to back it. I forget to do this with blog posts or when I've advised projects and it has a noticeable difference. Sometimes people just forget.

    Fiction is not as much my forte, but I did an interview with some of the people who run pubslush, a crowdfunding platform for fiction literature, who gave good tips which echoed my thoughts: ... s-podcast/

    Most of your pledges I think are going to come from your own network, whether that's existing fans or friends.
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.
  • tyblossom
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    Re: Advice to help me improve my project.

    by tyblossom » Tue Mar 17, 2015 6:51 pm

    Thanks for doing these podcasts. Wonderful information.
  • hoku
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    Re: Advice to help me improve my project.

    by hoku » Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:48 pm

    At this point you need to reach out to people that might be interested one by one to get the ball rolling. You could do so via linkedin, twitter, forums, etc.

    Last edited by hoku on Wed Mar 18, 2015 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
  • kelly101
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    Re: Advice to help me improve my project.

    by kelly101 » Wed Mar 18, 2015 3:38 pm

    Hi, Sounds like an interesting project.

    These are my impressions after watching the video, hope they are useful.

    Backers who are interested in novels are looking for something new to read. I would imagine the people visiting your kickstarter page as customers entering a bookstore looking for a good read.

    What are they thinking?

    Imagine your video as the cover and back of the book.

    Your description - a world covered in ice sounds intriguing:

    What Genre is it? Sci-fi, Horror, Love story ...

    Lets look at the back of the book to see what its about:

    Why is Earth frozen? Who are the Characters (will I like them?) Is there a single hero or heroin etc..

    Why would I pick up the book and pay for it?

    Also maybe talk a little about your influences, what you have done in the past to make you think of this story,

    Hope this helps


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