"Beyond the Grass Ocean: A Tale for Every Worldly Child"
  • BeyondTheGrassOcean
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    "Beyond the Grass Ocean: A Tale for Every Worldly Child"

    by BeyondTheGrassOcean » Tue Feb 03, 2015 3:59 am

    I'm Ron Horsley, a writer/artist in Columbus, OH. I've published a number of short stories, essays and other works, and most recently a successful series of urban fantasy novels, the "Everything Under" series.

    This past fall I decided to finally set down a story I've had rather near and dear to myself for some years: a children's illustrated novel entitled "Beyond the Grass Ocean."

    In the village of Rains Perish, a small fishing town at the shores of the Great Grass Ocean, young Nary Thomas begins to ask questions that her father and the others of the village can't--or won't--answer. Most compellingly: why do the people we love go away forever? And where do they go when they leave?

    When she can't accept their responses, Nary sets out with some of her friends on a quest to find the Blue at the Edge of the World, where legend and fairytale says that the Twins Who Run the World live, secretly commanding the natural laws of the World...and perhaps holding the answers to the many questions that plague not only Nary but virtually everyone alive.

    Along the way, Nary will encounter bizarre people, strange locales and discover poignant, magical stories of others who have sought their own answers to life, love and loss. From the Dancing Man of Moon Bay to the Behemoth, from the Mapsmiths of Cartofex and evading the pursuit of dark and miserable powers known only as the Hideous Sad...she will find that the World is a much larger thing than any map could ever show her.

    It is a classic children's quest fable that also attempts to give a young reader frames of reference for some of the greatest questions. It follows some of the best ideas and spirit of other children's literature such as "Alice in Wonderland," the stories of Oz, but also the surreal edge-of-imagination stories like Norton Juster's "The Phantom Tollbooth" and Neil Gaiman's "The Ocean at the End of the Lane."

    I have an official webpage available for people to see samples of the artwork being worked up for it. There is also an official Facebook fanpage for people to get regular updates on its progress. And of course, the Kickstarter project to raise the estimated $2,100 needed to secure the proper ISBNs, fund some of the necessary print costs of review copies, and ultimately see this great story and beautiful artwork shared with the world by July, 2015.

    I invite any of you to take a look and see what you think, and any feedback you'd like to offer would be appreciated. And of course, if any of you care to show your support with a pledge towards its completion, you'd have my gratitude.

    Thanks! And good luck to everyone with their own projects as well!

    "Beyond the Grass Ocean" Come & see an amazing children's fantasy, from author/artist Ron Horsley
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    Re: "Beyond the Grass Ocean: A Tale for Every Worldly Child"

    by sbriggman » Mon Feb 09, 2015 9:25 pm

    Thanks for sharing :). Hope you hit your goal!
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.

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