Fairytale Gourmet Kickstarter Project
  • Morgan Spiked
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    Fairytale Gourmet Kickstarter Project

    by Morgan Spiked » Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:13 pm

    Hi my name is Laura I live in Inverness, Scotland. I'm trying to help out my friend Fabio's company Fairytale Gourmet. They have a great concept but lack social media skills, unfortunately they set up their Kickstarter project with very little promotion, I have agreed to try and help them out as they are struggling to maintain momentum. This is my first experience with crowdfunding so I'm learning as I go along.


    Inspired by Lewis Carroll’s universe, Fairytale Gourmet have created a delightfully unusual range of sweets, and invented the world's first chocolate filled with cake! Each of the collections is based on a Wonderland character; for example the Mad Hatter Bar, the Tweedle Twins cake in a jar, Humpty Dumpty chocolate eggs and quite a few others! Everything is lovingly hand-made in their kitchen in London.

    Fabio and Armand designed the brand’s visual identity and all the packaging , including wonderful gift boxes inspired by the Mad Hatter and the White Rabbit. They are made in tough card and are very well finished by hand. Both are laminated, printed inside and out - lid and base, and decorated with Wonderland elements in a silver foil design. As a result, they are quite expensive to make, but people can keep them after eating all the chocolates.

    They need to produce the gift boxes and prepare enough stock for Christmas, as they have arranged to be stocked in Globus, (a chain of department stores in Switzerland) and various other retailers. The print company can only produce them in large quantities, which represents a considerable investment, not to mention a cost they must pay in advance.
    Therefore they set up a kickstarter project to try and raise the funding.

    Any feedback is welcome :D

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    Re: Fairytale Gourmet Kickstarter Project

    by sbriggman » Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:43 pm

    Hi Laura. Welcome to the forum. What would you guys do differently with regards to social media early on?
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.
  • Morgan Spiked
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    Re: Fairytale Gourmet Kickstarter Project

    by Morgan Spiked » Fri Sep 06, 2013 8:00 pm

    Thanks for the welcome, sorry for the delay in getting back to you I have been away, I think realistically the project is not going to be funded. I feel the guys really needed to promote it for at least 2 months prior to launching instead they just launched it and mentioned a few times on Facebook and Twitter. It's a shame as they have great products and ideas but ideally they need to reat PR as a full time job time or get someone to promote the project full time. I feel they should have gone to bloggers prior to launching and engaged more with their followers. I have run a twitter party for them the last 2 weeks but it is probably a case of too little to late. Do you have any suggestions ? Thanks Laura :)

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