How to effectively have others support your campaign?
  • arrowproject
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    How to effectively have others support your campaign?

    by arrowproject » Fri Aug 23, 2013 5:13 am

    Hi everyone!

    I have just launched a fashion project, unisex wooden watches. And I have 19 days until the deadline date. I have been promoting like crazy!!!! And how do I get other people to support my campaign beside friends and family??

    Help would be much appreciated :)

  • MichaelTumey
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    Re: How to effectively have others support your campaign?

    by MichaelTumey » Fri Aug 23, 2013 7:11 am

    First of all, your wooden watches look very cool!

    Aside from cross promotion here, how does any creator get someone else to promote you? Aside from asking people directly to promote your project (finding bloggers interested in your project - I've done that with success), only your existing marketing efforts - social networking sites (Facebook, G+, etc.), posting to online forums related to your industry, etc., fans are created based on your concept and presentation - you can't actually mold a stranger into a fan directly. I don't know if there's a true answer to question. It's a question that's been asked since the beginning of commerce.

    I spent about two months of grass-roots promotion before starting my Kickstarter. As mentioned on other threads posted here, and I don't want to repost it again, but my Kickstarter was asked to be created to fund a book of map tutorials I was posting for free on various G+ communities. So my project was born by request, which makes my project different than most. I didn't start my project based on my goals, a fan-base was asking me to do it.

    I was just searching Google for the name of my Kickstarter to find random posts by people other than me. I just discovered tonight that a Roleplaying Game Podcast by RPG Circus did a podcast show 10 days ago, before Gencon, a major gaming convention held last week. In their lineup of interesting game related Kickstarters - they plugged my project. I didn't even know about it.

    Link to podcast (about 25 minutes in the show they mention my project): RPG Circus

    How did I get a major game podcaster to run a show and mention my project? I honestly don't know, aside from doing my best to promote my project (probably like you're doing for yours) and hoping to find others interested and wanting to write about it. If you are promoting in all places your supporters and possible promoters can be found to see your project - that's all you can really do.

    There's always paying a public relations company a portion of your Kickstarter funds to promote for you, which is a viable solution as well, but since I didn't do that myself, I have no experience to share regarding that.
    Last edited by MichaelTumey on Fri Aug 23, 2013 7:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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    Re: How to effectively have others support your campaign?

    by kdhudak » Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:03 pm

    Your sandalwood designed watch is truly amazing!! It is beautiful yet simple.

    I am not certain if you have read this article yet but I wanted to send it along. ... community/

    It is an awesome read about telling a story, connecting a tribe, leading a movement and making a change!
    Attached is a Seth Godin TED talk that is worth watching. I think it will be inspiring to your campaign.
    I know it was for mine today as I have 15 days left for my project.

    We live in an extraordinary time where wonderful concepts take shape and your community will want to be a part of it all!!

    Imagine who will wear the watch, the types of people will lead you to interest groups all around the web. I'm sure they will want to write about and support your project. I also think that guest writing can be very effective!

    I hope this inspires you!


    Kelly D Hudak
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    Re: How to effectively have others support your campaign?

    by BikerKarl » Wed Oct 30, 2013 1:55 pm

    I've been seeing some success with project creators using gamification techniques across various industries. It's exciting and fun, not spammy and annoying like some updates over 30 days of funding can be,

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