I have not launched my project yet, but we have been working on it since Nov, 2014 and we plan to launch it in Feb 2015. We naively thought we could get everything done in a month or two, and were planning on launching the project in Dec., but we quickly realized how unrealistic it was given how much work was still left to do. We may not stick to the Feb launch date if we feel that we are not prepared.
It took us about 2 months to get project content ready (video, infographics) and to layout the project page. We have also been doing outreach since Dec to friends&family, business associates, bloggers, magazines, etc., and we plan to continue this through out the duration of the campaign.
Obviously, we don't know if we will be funded or not, but we are working towards exceeding our goal. Just to share a little bit of what I'm doing - I think calculating how many people you need to reach to get a portion of those people to pledge in order to hit your goal may be a good way to gauge if you are prepared. For example, if your goal is $2000, and you have a great reward for $20 which you think is what most people will go for, then you need 100 backers. If, say, 0.5% of the people who visit your project end up pledging, then you would need to drive at least 20,000 people to your project page (This would be out of the ppl who actually visit your project, so if, say, 1% of all the ppl who saw your ad/email visited your site, then you would have to reach 200,000 ppl to achieve this goal). This is not an exact science, obviously, but I think this can give you an idea of the minimum number of people you need to reach.
Anyway, good luck to us all