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Share Your Best Crowdfunding Tip From Your Experience
  • iamWess
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    Re: Share Your Best Crowdfunding Tip From Your Experience

    by iamWess » Sun Dec 07, 2014 12:02 am

    Best tip that I can offer right now would be:

    1). Research your market: Do you homework on who your target audience will be and really narrow in on who your customers are and what they want.
    2). Gain exposure: Find others (bloggers, editors, etc) to promote your product, service and or brand before you go Live.

    **Remember** - Just because your campaign is live doesn't mean people will notice your there.

  • dominiquemichon
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    Re: Share Your Best Crowdfunding Tip From Your Experience

    by dominiquemichon » Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:12 am

    Email all kinds of magazines and blogs who would like to write about you.

    Good luck!

    Dominique ... high-heels
    Follow my Kickstarter campaign, I need your support: ... nav_search

    x From a young Dutch entrepeneur
  • Pratim
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    Re: Share Your Best Crowdfunding Tip From Your Experience

    by Pratim » Thu Jan 01, 2015 10:36 am

    There are the following things every one should do
    1. Reach huge media/bloggers to share few words about your project on their portal
    2. Hire some crowd funding news distribution agency and try to reach as many as readers possible.
    3. Can use Facebook Ads
    4. Send regular personalized emails and may be some extra discount on multiple units.
    5. Post regular update on your project.
    6. Ask your backers to share your project.
    7. Put good rewards.

    Know more such tips
    tweet me #s_pratim
  • tpad
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    Re: Share Your Best Crowdfunding Tip From Your Experience

    by tpad » Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:27 pm

    work on getting the word out about your campaign before it goes live

    tpad titanium refillable notepads
  • Choco0912
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    Re: Share Your Best Crowdfunding Tip From Your Experience

    by Choco0912 » Sat Jan 10, 2015 9:03 am

    I haven't launched my Kickstarter project yet, but here are some of the things that I'm doing.

    1. Email
    Making an extensive email list of everyone that I know and categorizing it into different groups (Friends, Families, Biz Associates, etc.) and customizing templates for each group since each group should have a different message. I am asking close friends and families to pledge on the first day we launch, so that we hit the metrics of Kickstarter to get us noticed by Kickstarter itself. I wouldn't be surprised if all the projects that exceeded their goal orchestrated the pledges in the beginning some how. It seems it would be wise to make sure that you have enough people to pledge in the first few days actually set up, so that you're guaranteed to reach a certain percentage right off the bat. Going back to email content, I plan to write up a 'sample email' on my email so that my contacts can just copy and paste and send it out to their contacts - just to make it easier for them to share.

    2. Bloggers
    We're doing outreach to bloggers that cater to our target market. This is definitely easier said than done, as it seems as though no blogger with moderate following will feature you without a fee. If anyone has tips on how to get bloggers to write for you for free, or know any blogs that do editorials without compensation, please share!

    3. We're planning on doing a 'FB' giveaway promo for the duration of the campaign, encouraging people to share the project on social media. If you are able to giveaway something that costs nothing to you, but something that has value to the people that share your project, it could really help get the word out (great example is the 'Passion Planner' campaign on Kickstarter that raised over 600K. They gave away a pdf file of their planner to everyone who shared their campaign on social media, and they had over 60,000 shares on FB alone)
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    Re: Share Your Best Crowdfunding Tip From Your Experience

    by crowd101 » Sat Jan 17, 2015 2:01 am

    Recently posted a huge roundup article of advice from 10 crowdfunding experts on pre-launching activities. It's the pre-launch stage that is so absolutely important and unfortunately avoided by most campaigns.

    Top tips from the post:
    1) Research failed and successful projects related to yours. How much were they trying to raise? How did they do and what could they have done better? Contacting the campaigns could turn up some good advice and even contact info for some big supporters.

    2) Do some offline marketing with your local network and raise at least 5% of your goal. Campaigns that start with nothing have just a 15% chance of meeting their goal. Campaigns that start with 5% of their funding goal see the odds jump to 50%!

    3) Include an email subscription link in all your correspondence.

    Check out the full post at:
    Check out my crowdfunding blog and great advice on running a successful campaign.
  • geotorch
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    Re: Share Your Best Crowdfunding Tip From Your Experience

    by geotorch » Thu Jan 22, 2015 7:27 am

    I'm still in the beginning stages of my pre-launch marketing, but here's what I've done and results I have gotten:

    - Posting to forums specific to my product. This has been the most productive use of my time so far. I get product feedback and suggestions as well as people who said they'd love to back my project.

    - Website coming soon page: This has worked OK for me. I have directed traffic to this page from various sources (like forum posts). We'll see how many people who have signed up for the newsletter end up translating to backers.

    - Facebook posts. I haven't been very consistent with posts, but I don't get a whole lot of interest here outside of my immediate circle of friends.

    - Facebook advertising. I've only spend about $20 here just to test it out, but it has resulted in roughly 250 page likes and a handful of newsletter sign ups. Not sure if these page likes will translate into anything or not. We'll see.

    - Twitter posts. Again, not very consistent. However, I hardly get any traction here.

    - Google+. This really hasn't produced anything for me at all.
  • gotobrowser
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    Re: Share Your Best Crowdfunding Tip From Your Experience

    by gotobrowser » Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:06 pm

    I'm 15 and created a web browser that will hopefully change the way we use the web! I want to show people that no matter what age you are you can still make a difference. After I was bullied at school. I decided not to eat at the cafeteria, so I would go to the library and learn code. Eventually I had the idea to make Goto Browser, and it kicked off! Please support my campaign! ... e-world-wi
  • leftsharq
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    Re: Share Your Best Crowdfunding Tip From Your Experience

    by leftsharq » Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:50 pm

    I frequently communicate with a lot of hardware startup founders who began their projects on kickstarter and some of the most common nuggets of wisdom i hear from them are summarized in this piece. ... er-project
  • stonemelet
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    Re: Share Your Best Crowdfunding Tip From Your Experience

    by stonemelet » Mon Feb 09, 2015 5:18 pm

    Made the mistake of using Total scam. I've spent hours trying to sort this mess out and still can't tell to what extent these guys are a total scam vs. the purest form of incompetence since the DMV. Please save your $ and if you have questions, feel free to message me. Happy to share the details.
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