Stopping the fat and starting the active
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    Stopping the fat and starting the active

    by UN1TED_One » Wed Dec 24, 2014 1:09 am

    Hi all, my colleagues and I are fitness people (some may say the painful kind). Our project is to create multi-purpose athletic footwear that doesn't have the mark-up of big brand footwear, and invest profits into active communities. So instead of spending profits on Michael Jordan, we'll be spending it on Mark Johnson and his 30 friends at his local boot-camp (Mark Johnson is not a real example, just a metaphor for our plan).

    This is our first project. As soon as we pressed "Go Live", we realised there were 700 million things we should have done beforehand. We also realised there will always be 700 million things we could have done.

    Nice to meet you all. We are completely open to advice and will take every suggestion you have (and hopefully provide some value to this community at the same time).

    Thanks team.

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    Re: Stopping the fat and starting the active

    by Cristina » Wed Dec 24, 2014 1:29 am

    This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.
    Forum Moderator.
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