Live on Kickstarter: 24 hours of my First project!
  • Yen - Ha Noi
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    Live on Kickstarter: 24 hours of my First project!

    by Yen - Ha Noi » Wed Dec 17, 2014 11:51 pm

    Hi everybody, My name is Yen, from Viet Nam. I am a freelancer following photography. I am so glad to become a members here and get in touch with another people who is putting all your time and health, hope and passion working on Kickstarter. There are also so many useful and brilliant ideas from this forum that i can learn from(especially the idea "SHARE FOR SHARE" previewed by @tengsupply with the project "Tiny wallet". It is Funded!).

    I need the tips from our forum. I need your HELP!

    I have just released my FIRST project 1hour ago. It is now live on Kickstarter. Still very "Hot" :). It is a photo-book called “See me, feel me: stories of peoples in Ha Noi”, you can check it out here: ... e-in-hanoi

    It is a photo-story book is about the individual life of humans in Ha Noi expressed in 100 photos and stories. There are so many details of life that most people miss – that is what my eyes look for. Images are captured by a film camera as the way of keeping incredible memories of a “lost” Ha Noi.

    There are some Kickstarter project get their goal in just 12 hours and latest is Hemingwrite project (a member shared it in the forum). The creator get over his goal within under 20 hours. That is unbelievable and my team want to make a challenge for us too. We try to create a good marketing plan pre-launching that help us follow the goal and break the timing. We want to get the goal within 24 hours. However, it is just the challenge we make to promote and encourage ourselves to move fast.

    I am glad to share with you about my project. I hope you are interested in my photobook project and concern SHARING it on the social media sites that you are on or even more DONATING. it. I am appriciated all the big and small help from you.

    I also hope that i can help you to spread out my words for your project. If any guidance or question or request you have, please leave a comment in this topic or send me an email to

    Link project: ... e-in-hanoi

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    Re: Live on Kickstarter: 24 hours of my First project!

    by therriaultk » Thu Dec 18, 2014 4:40 pm

    Hey! I looked at your campaign and your photography looks mysterious and beautiful. Shared your campaign, good luck! :)
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  • Yen - Ha Noi
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    Re: Live on Kickstarter: 24 hours of my First project!

    by Yen - Ha Noi » Thu Dec 18, 2014 6:26 pm

    Hi Therriaultk, thank you so much for all the nice words and nice things you did. It make me feel warm that at least someone have interest in what i did and want to help me. It is now the second day but there is no one pledge us even just 1 dollars after our big effort to connect and attract people. I am asking myself what's wrong here with my project? I still cannot answer it. Can you please tell me how did you share my project (on facebook or tweet it out....)? What can make you want to become one of my backer or what did make you hesitate to do it? I am just wondering. It'd be great if you let me know.
    Thank you once again!
  • Market of Heroes
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    Re: Live on Kickstarter: 24 hours of my First project!

    by Market of Heroes » Fri Dec 19, 2014 7:24 am

    Hi everybody, I am Mike. I has just launched my project few days ago.
    I will be glad to you all - if you gve me some advise to make it better - this is my first project in this jenre, and i would like to make it best - with your`s help.
    you can contact me here -

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