Hemingwrite is a modern typewriter that lets you write drafts without the usual distractions that come with laptops, tablets, and computers. This campaign launched on Kickstarter yesterday and has already raised over $222K towards their $250K goal and become a Kickstarter Staff Pick.
The project’s creators are Adam Leeb, a mechanical engineering graduate from MIT who focuses on product design, and Patrick Paul, a software developer who graduated from Michigan State. Their mission is to make a machine that is simple, free from distracting apps and menus, and has some 21st century conveniences thrown in to make writing more enjoyable again.
One of the modern features included in the Hemingwrite is that it is a digital typewriter with an e-paper screen. This makes it easy to read at all times of the day and different places without harsh glares or unnaturally bright lighting. The Hemingwrite is Wi-Fi enabled so that when you are finished working on a piece you can flip a switch and upload your work directly to your favorite text editor using their secure Postbox cloud server. In a place where you don’t have a Wi-Fi connection? Don’t sweat it! The Hemingwrite can automatically store 1 million + pages and upload them once you re-connect. The battery also lasts four + weeks with ‘normal’ use.
Kickstarter page:
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ad ... escriptionCheck out the full article on CrowdfundingPR!
http://www.crowdfundingpr.org/hemingwri ... -20-hours/