Connection Deck - Moving from Kickstarter to our own setup.
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    Connection Deck - Moving from Kickstarter to our own setup.

    by ConnectionDeck » Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:34 pm

    It's been a delight participating here at Kickstarter forum, and we've very much appreciated the amazing resources and great conversations and advice.

    Unfortunately while our project started strong (38 backers and almost $2000 raised in our first day), we failed to attract the attention we needed outside of our own circles. We'll be closing with 119 backers and over $5700, but project we'll be unable to reach our goal - we stalled around 100 backers / $5000 and have had a slow trickle since.

    We're migrating from Kickstarter over to simply doing pledges on our own system, though may consider a Kickstarter push closer to our actual print date a year from now, when the deck is much closer to completion. We suspect we'll be able to build enough support between now and then to run a smaller kickstarter campaign to top up funding (and ideally attract wider interest), but will continue with our current approaches which seem to be working, but in a "slow and steady" way.

    Many thanks to @sbriggman and the team for such a great forum, and to you all for your participation here.

    Our Kickstarter Campaign:
    Connection Deck - A unique resource for children and the parents, educators, and caregivers who love them.

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