Books for Zambia Africa
  • booksforzambia
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    Books for Zambia Africa

    by booksforzambia » Sat Dec 06, 2014 7:53 am

    Hello to everyone in this community!

    I am heading a campaign to raise funds for a friend of mine who is a teacher living in Zambia Africa. My friends name is Charles and he teaches between 50 - 65 children who are currently in grade 10 - 12 in a one room school.

    He is in need of text books for his students to help advance them to go on to college and move past poverty. This campaign is new but will be ongoing until they get all of the books needed for each student. The link gives more details on the school and pictures, I have attempted to go to other charities that send books to Africa but unfortunately it is not possible to have them sent directly to this teacher. Please help in anyway you can even if it is only sending out my link to others to get the word out.

    I thank you for your efforts!

  • LawnBuddy
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    Re: Books for Zambia Africa

    by LawnBuddy » Mon Dec 15, 2014 3:09 pm

    This is a great idea for a great cause!!

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