A fundraiser is a full time job
  • ExplodingDesk
    Kickstarter Succcess
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    Re: A fundraiser is a full time job

    by ExplodingDesk » Sun Nov 30, 2014 2:12 am

    Wow, congratulations on the bonus of having so many actors apply for your role. I agree, THIS IS A FULL TIME JOB. However, for me at least, it is important to remember not to get burnt out. (He says as he types on the KS Forums after working on his campaign all day.)

    I just checked out your campaign! Way to go on the funding. :D

    Dylan Waller, Founder of Quest Scouts
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  • noenddesigns
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    Re: A fundraiser is a full time job

    by noenddesigns » Mon Dec 15, 2014 2:21 pm

    I am midway on my campaign and I fear I will be marketing for the next 3 weeks straight. 7 weeks of marketing! AAH! That might be 1 plus of keeping the campaign to 30 days rather than going over. It would be a more focused approach.

    The best was to get traffic is legit articles, not the pay for spam twitter and FB posts. It just does not get the traffic it should for what you pay. Having said that few have posted articles on my lamps. Interior design websites have all of glossed over it, and im not sure why. I am going to keep plugging away at it.

    I cant wait till its over! There is just so much more to do.

    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/no ... collection
    Great design and uncompromising function. That's what im about. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/noenddesigns/the-slatewood-lamp-collection

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