Confessions of a Serial Crowdfunder...
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    Re: Confessions of a Serial Crowdfunder...

    by greggdavis » Thu Oct 30, 2014 2:59 pm


    Your experiences in crowdfunding are fantastic, even as you said- its like feeling ones way through the dark, you've learned an amazing amount already!

    I just launched my first crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter (link below) and wondered if you'd have any impressions for me to learn from your experience?

    If you can take a look at it and give me any feedback, that'd be deeply appreciated!


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    Re: Confessions of a Serial Crowdfunder...

    by pbsanford » Fri Oct 31, 2014 2:41 am

    Wow. I'm a little bleary-eyed but I did read every word of your post... well, sort of... I'm struck with both how well written it is and the experience and thought behind it. Thank you!

    I just joined this BLOG but when I get a few more hours (or days) of experience here, I'd love to have you take a peek at my ks campaign and give me a couple comments. It's my first campaign - my baby - and I have to say I'm disappointed by its abysmal beginnings. I don't know if my product/invention is not appealing or if it's the design of the campaign page. I spent the afternoon napping to try to shake off the blues.

    I'm going to stop blathering and read a few more posts.

    I'm hoping to grow up to be like you. :)
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    Re: Confessions of a Serial Crowdfunder...

    by stefano » Sun Nov 02, 2014 11:35 am

    very useful
  • johnnie smith
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    Re: Confessions of a Serial Crowdfunder...

    by johnnie smith » Tue Nov 11, 2014 6:38 pm

    Magnus wrote:Oh, and another thing on videos...

    The only other option is to hire someone to do it properly.

    I've been in talks with someone to do this - and it's going to cost around $2k for a simple 3-minute video.

    ...from what I can tell, I doesn't make much difference.

    First off, thanks for this wonderful thread. It's awesome.

    Now, you state couple of times that video is not needed. You've done well without it. Agree.

    But how can you tell it doesn't make a difference? did you try both methods, with and without?!

    Not trying to persuade you to hire me . . . you can get this done on fiverr thorough multiple sellers plus one film editor. It would end up costing way below 2k
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    Re: Confessions of a Serial Crowdfunder...

    by johnnie smith » Tue Nov 11, 2014 7:03 pm

    Magnus wrote:Some crazy advice I once heard...

    In summary...

    You can perhaps now understand the crazy advice of "do some advertising" for a Kickstarter campaign.

    Getting advertising to work is an ongoing testing-and-tweaking, and continually evolving process.

    Trying to throw cash on advertising your crowdfunding project is madness - crowdfunding is about receiving money ...not spending it.

    Magnus, this post made me think.

    So you don't believe in advertising your crowdfunding campaign. You even tested some ads and saw it's not worth the bother.

    Have skimmed through all your posts in this GREAT thread again.

    Have I missed something?

    How did you manage to get your funding done?

    [Hmmm... don't tell me because you had a wonderful product. Many better campaigns out there fail.] Yours did not fail. They all succeeded!

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    Re: Confessions of a Serial Crowdfunder...

    by Charlesbreen » Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:37 pm

    I am. Big fan of all of your projects, can I ask for a moment of your time t check out my project as it is my first one and I am struggling to get off my feet, thanks. ... n-clothing
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    Re: Confessions of a Serial Crowdfunder...

    by nab » Sat Nov 15, 2014 12:20 am

    Very insightful!
  • herc2014
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    Re: Confessions of a Serial Crowdfunder...

    by herc2014 » Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:19 am

    Nice one magnus, is nice to see someone's success on kickstarter, look forward ti reading more about your experiences in kickstarter. H
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    Re: Confessions of a Serial Crowdfunder...

    by herc2014 » Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:20 am

    HI magnus , what kind of pr did you do to get traffic to your campaign? Im about to submit mine also so would be interesting to hear your story.
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    Re: Confessions of a Serial Crowdfunder...

    by herc2014 » Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:24 am

    HI re doing a video, I was stuck between what to do and how to do it. Like you said ,hiring someone to make a video might look great , but costs , and end of day , i thought to go for the personal approach so people can see me and connect with me, even though it is a daunting thought to sit and speak in front of a camera. I'm going to include some clips of the game I'm doing and talk and little ,about what i don't know what is the best thing to talk about in the short time i have. lets see, any ideas? Ps most of the info ins in the project desc anyway. H

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