Paying for Promotion
  • jmccullough62
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    Re: Paying for Promotion

    by jmccullough62 » Tue Aug 26, 2014 10:50 pm

    would love to be directed to some real world, known to work, really effective methods to increase traffic to both of my project sites, since we all learned we lost our jobs, you can see how a man who traded his samsung s5 for this laptop needs something that is free but really effective, for yes, if i had the money i would indeed pay a firm for their services, but i choose to take what little i have to go towards the rent.which maybe my last month here short of a complete miracle of biblical proportions

  • Shayspenc
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    Re: Paying for Promotion

    by Shayspenc » Sat Aug 30, 2014 4:55 am

    This was very interesting for me to read. I was also contacted by gogo. I have been working my fingers off try to promote my campaign, and boy is it a lot of work. I can say that I have learned a lot and I did do a Crowdfunding Press Release already as well. I am contemplating doing the gold also, because after all of my reading and research I always end back here.
    With my project it is a little different because I am doing a health campaign, my son Quentin 22 just passed away on July 15, 2014, so I am doing a memory fund, so I am actually not promoting an item.
    So I guess my question is how would the gold pkg help with this type of campaign.

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  • loraine
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    Re: Paying for Promotion

    by loraine » Wed Sep 03, 2014 12:17 am

    Anyone know the best one to use for indiegogo?
  • jmccullough62
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    Re: Paying for Promotion

    by jmccullough62 » Wed Sep 03, 2014 12:36 am

    man im like you, however i did get my first backer here, i find that twitter helps, and a site called prefundia..i have no budget for promo so its all on me, i have an indiegogo site as well..i know that google plus is a great resource as well..
  • jmccullough62
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    Re: Paying for Promotion

    by jmccullough62 » Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:00 am

  • NurseOnAMission
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    Re: Paying for Promotion

    by NurseOnAMission » Thu Sep 04, 2014 11:03 pm

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for some desperately needed guidance!

    We have just launched our campaign and having spent sooooo long agonizing about every detail, it is now 'live' and it has become a bit of an anticlimax since none of us are sure what to do next! I knew we probably needed some help but didn't know how, what or who......and then the avalanche of emails came offering all kinds of help, for all kinds of big fat dollars.

    We're lost. Now we're here and avidly reading every morsel of info we can find!

    Thanks for the suggestions!

  • AsaArt
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    Re: Paying for Promotion

    by AsaArt » Sat Sep 06, 2014 7:23 pm

    Ingrid_Wolf wrote:I'm using the services of CrowdfundingPR (Silver pack, $50) and Ayudos (Basic, $60), and I would recommend both.

    My press release published on Crowdfunding PR is currently in the top-10 sources of traffic to both my blog and my project page. As to Ayudos, they responded to my email very promptly, recommended a range of associated web resources to promote my campaign for free, and sent a free ebook with crowdfunding tips.

    The one leading my campaign on Ayudos is Mike Gonzalez, the CEO. I asked him to write a better press-relase than mine was. There was no response for a week, and I was about to remind him of myself when I saw his article about my campaign featured on their main page (! On the same day, it was also published by Wallstreeter Crowdfunding News.

    Salvador Briggman, the CEO of Crowdfunding PR, is regularly sending me updates on the media contacted. During the first week of my campaign, they sent my press-release to 5200 journalists, 600 of whom viewed it.

    I don't think I'd ever have time to find and contact so many media representatives myself, so I'd rather transfer it to those who is an expert at it and focus on promotion via social nets and forums instead. The guys from Ayudos and CrowdfundingPR don't really charge much, and I suppose they are much better at contacting media than I am. They do it on a regular basis and are known there, while I am not.

    And have you seen backing results with the paid promotions?
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    Re: Paying for Promotion

    by DIRECTOR CP » Sun Sep 07, 2014 3:19 am

  • onthewaterlifestyle
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    Re: Paying for Promotion

    by onthewaterlifestyle » Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:48 pm

    This is refreshing to hear that paying for promotion actually works. So glad to hear it. Thanks.

  • mibuho
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    Re: Paying for Promotion

    by mibuho » Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:03 am

    stay away from fundzinger, they do nothing at all. We baid the $649 deal and didnt even got appropiate feedback on their work they supposed to do.
    The 10.000+ email list of journalists is completelly worthless, we mailed it out and got over 65% hard bounces and the rest, well you guessed it - NOTHING
    they are sma, like gogorocket and some others and unfortunately i couldn't any REAL company who would really do what they promised

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