MOCCI | 3D Printed Jewelry by Jeff Ito
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    MOCCI | 3D Printed Jewelry by Jeff Ito

    by MOCCI » Mon Oct 13, 2014 5:41 am

    Hey guys, I launched MOCCI 6 days ago on kickstarter and the progress is so far not too bad.

    We are about 10% towards our goal of $25,000.

    (The campaign length was for 27 days and ends on a Sunday night. I hope this was a smart move rather than the full 30 days).

    So far, I have had 5 articles written about my project and 1 more is on the way. I spent a few months building my Website, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Google Plus presence.

    It has been discouraging so far that I put a ton of time, effort and a good amount of money into my PR and social media efforts and the return has been 1. Every backer except one has been someone that I've asked directly i.e friends and family.

    Having a tough time deciphering exactly what may be holding people back.

    I would appreciate any and all constructive criticism. And also, if you have any questions please be kind and leave some comments on the kickstarter page that would be awesome! Right now we are boring at 0 :P

    MOCCI | 3D Printed Jewelry
  • hogeandco
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    Re: MOCCI | 3D Printed Jewelry by Jeff Ito

    by hogeandco » Thu Oct 16, 2014 9:52 pm

    I know the feeling of just getting people you personally know to back. It's bitter-sweet and it's really hard to break through that wall into the crowd of stranger-backers.

    I would say one thing that stuck out was pricing. I completely understand the costs associated with metal 3D printer (Im actually working on some jewelry as well), but it does seem rather high. Typically something that is 3D printed is customized to each user, that's one of the great things about 3D printing. But for mass production, it is not really a feasible method to use.

    Are you manufacturing these personally? If so, would it be cheaper to just have them printed AND shipped via services like Shapeways?

    They are nice designs though.
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    Re: MOCCI | 3D Printed Jewelry by Jeff Ito

    by MOCCI » Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:32 pm

    Thank you for the feedback. I really appreciate it! I had a feeling it was the pricing that may have turned people away. But my proof of concept is there and I have garnered much interest (without backers). Kickstarter is probably better for launching a single product, not a whole host of services. Buying a jewelry collection to fund further innovation is probably not an ideal backing for someone browsing kickstarter.

    Lately, I have shifted my focus away from my kickstarter and am now working on a Minimum Viable Product for my application. Hopefully this will lead to investors in the traditional sense.
    MOCCI | 3D Printed Jewelry

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