What is your day job? What is your passion project?
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    Dave's Meat & Nuts
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    Re: What is your day job? What is your passion project?

    by Dave's Meat & Nuts » Fri Oct 10, 2014 4:37 am

    Hi Gary cool stuff. I just backed your project. Hope you meet your goal

    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/15 ... nd-flavore

    All natural awesome flavors of Beef Jerky & Roasted Nuts, now live on kickstarter.
  • beachgames
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    Re: What is your day job? What is your passion project?

    by beachgames » Fri Oct 10, 2014 4:23 pm


    I am Andy and found kickstart ~half a year ago. Got facinated by this.
    Since a few month my daily work is mining :) bitcoin mining....
    Looking which pool is the best and! not to get burnt by the cables, :geek:

    My projects I was thinking about, not following for now, had been software, like taptap.
    A java programm, software which connects two individuals through internet, blouthooth and a neural net to feel each other better. The project is located in a new field of market for a few months. In Europa, where I live, everywhere you see adverts of running neclackes and watches with puls meter and stuff like this. So it also got accepted and! free opensource code is also avaiable.

    Much to do!
    I started mining....more money for shorttime.

    The basic requirement for kickstart is to be an citicen of a few countries, I AM NOT :arrow:
    So for now I am searching one person, which wants to work with me :)
    Maby i got banned, kicked by kickstarter while doing this??...

    Maby someone is interested in giving me company, till kickstart.com is also open for AUSTRIAns :)
    He or She should be able to create a project in kickstart.com

    Free to contact me :)
  • Potluck Happiness
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    Re: What is your day job? What is your passion project?

    by Potluck Happiness » Fri Oct 10, 2014 6:45 pm

    Hi everyone! My name is Joey, co-author of the blog, http://www.potluckhappiness.com and full-time marketer for Toyota. My partner, aka wife Tanya (Photographer?Artist/IT pro) and I recently launched our first Kickstarter campain to support The Happiness Is Project.

    We started this journey with the development of our blog, Potluck Happiness, which is dedicated to all things that bring greater joy, health, and happiness into our readers’ lives. Our Kickstarter, https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tanyapalazzo/the-happiness-is-project will allow us to expand more into an online community forum. Additionally, we are looking to build The Happiness Is Project, a cross-country photography and storytelling journey focused on happiness. With our three year old daughter and black labrador, we’ll be criss-crossing the country in a travel trailer looking for the happiest places and people in the U.S. We are documenting those who seek, found, or hold the keys to happiness, and all the in-betweens. You can see a sample at: http://potluckhappiness.com/happinessis.

    In my spare time, I love to watch/play sports, snowboard, travel, and spend time with my wife and daughter.

    Excited to join the forum and look forward to interacting with each of you.

    Hope you are having a happy day!

  • sunsj
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    Re: What is your day job? What is your passion project?

    by sunsj » Sat Oct 11, 2014 2:53 am

    My daily job is Giayee Technology Co. Ltd.( http://www.giayee.com ), we have post on project on Kickstarter, lucky we make it, now we are under production and prepare for delivery. We are work on another project also, soon we will push some news on this new project, it would be a interesting electronic thing.
    I love gadgets!
  • RussSilva
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    Re: What is your day job? What is your passion project?

    by RussSilva » Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:43 am

    : What is your day job?
    I am responsible for the overall strategic direction and management of the company and client services.

    What is your passion project?

    My passion is giving training on different disciplines.
  • armourereric
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    Re: What is your day job? What is your passion project?

    by armourereric » Sat Oct 11, 2014 4:24 pm


    I have been a maker of medieval armour for 31 years. Now that I am 50, I am planning ahead for when my body starts to wear out: I started a duck farm 2 years ago and my soon to be launched project is it's relocation and expansion
  • thebandfamous
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    Re: What is your day job? What is your passion project?

    by thebandfamous » Sun Oct 12, 2014 11:06 pm

    My day job... Well I graduated with honors receiving my Bachelor of Arts in Commmunications in 2011, I've done several hospitality and service jobs. My last job was as a server at a restaurant. I took a leap of faith and am now living in NYC, because if dreams can come true, they've got to be more plausible in the big apple! My passion is singing, writing, and all things related to music and art. I am a freelance model, musician, and developer.

    I'm the lead singer of The Band Famous, a group of talented artists, musicians, and developers, and we've pioneered the Smart Album. We not only make the music, but we bring it to you.

    To learn more please check out our Kickstarter campaign:

    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/th ... mart-album

    Check out our official website for more: http://www.bandfamous.com

    I would be incredibly grateful to anyone who knows a journalist that might be interested in covering our story and featuring the Smart Album. Don't hesitate to contact me with any feedback, constructive criticism is also appreciated.

    Thanks everyone!

  • thinkthomas
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    Re: What is your day job? What is your passion project?

    by thinkthomas » Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:06 pm

    Job and Passion are the same (thankfully). I own my own gig and create products all day long (some work, some don't) as well as work with other small startups who don't have a web presence. Sometimes it's a lot of sitting and lighted computer screens, but hey, every once and a while I get to talk to real people.

    Also trying kickstarter for the first time. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thinkthomas/ak-ro-nym-the-hilarious-party-game-of-made-up-acro Let's see how that goes.
  • amcarless
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    Re: What is your day job? What is your passion project?

    by amcarless » Tue Oct 14, 2014 2:02 pm

    Day job: loathsome sales executive
    Passion: writing (several books of short stories, novel and comedic screenplay completed, but not yet published)

    If I could just make enough money writing to survive and not have to work for the man any longer, God only knows I'd be happy...
  • tristannyc
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    Re: What is your day job? What is your passion project?

    by tristannyc » Thu Oct 16, 2014 1:44 am

    Day Job: Photographer
    Passion: Photographer


    I quit my desk job to do it and will never look back. I worked for Blizzard Entertainment as a cinematic director too, but it just wasn't the same as being on my feet and working with people over pixels. Although I still love machinima as an art form.
    Romance in NYC - A Short film shot ENTIRELY on the iPhone 6: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/16 ... ne/backers

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