A big No No for Creators
  • ACLeathercraft
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    A big No No for Creators

    by ACLeathercraft » Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:00 am

    I would like to share an email that I just received after backing a project to the tune of $185.00 and making a complimentary comment about the project but also adding a link to my own (non-competitive) project. Please bear in mind that the project I backed has already surpassed its' funding goals and is at $180k and has 39 days remaining - my project is sitting at $430 !!


    I understand that you want to promote your product, but posting links in other project's comments sections is not the way to go. Instead I would suggest contacting project owners directly, preferably projects that appeal to a similar userbase. Project owners may be willing to promote your product in an update. While I'm also not very happy with getting updates that contain links to other projects, I think it's a fair compromise.

    This complaint is in regards to comments on the Sound Band project. If I see another comment like that I'll send a message to kickstarter to see if they share with my view.



    No my point is that I have contacted many owners and have been told by all that the way to go is to back a project and then link your project in the comments section. All of the big creators say they are inundated with requests to cross promote and that they simply could not do that for everyone so by posting in the comments section (which is only available if you have backed the project) it allows other backers to see something new if they so choose.
    If this was a problem for KS then they would not allow you to insert a link - simple.

    If creators have this attitude with someone who has backed them for one of their higher rewards, what hope is there for the small creators who are also trying hard to get somewhere.

    The problem right now with KS seems to be a very "me, me" attitude with only a tiny minority who are willing to cross promote and share ideas. There are plenty that want help, there are plenty who complain, but there are very few who are willing to actually help others in order to help themselves.

    At this stage I think I will just let my campaign run to the end but I will not get involved in helping others anymore as it often is not reciprocated and when you get an email like the one I received after making a backing in good faith, it is disheartening.

    Good luck to everyone with campaigns running, I sincerely hope you all do well.

  • ACLeathercraft
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    Re: A big No No for Creators

    by ACLeathercraft » Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:27 am

    Quick update to my post.

    It turns out that the email I received was from someone masquerading as the creators and was nothing to do with them. Just a guy who likes to back projects but has never created one!!

    No where is that project "Don't Feed The Trolls"!!
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    Re: A big No No for Creators

    by sbriggman » Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:56 pm

    ACL- First off, many people have nothing better to do than try to bring other people down and enforce their personal set of rules on the world. Many people have no real power and therefore like to appear like authority figures or moderators on the web when they aren't. At the end of the day, if you give in and let them affect your behavior or thoughts, you've let them accomplish exactly what they want (control your actions).

    If you had only pledged a dollar and then included your link, I might be able to entertain his point, as you might not actually be interested in the project. Seeing as you went above and beyond, don't think he has a valid point. It's also just bad business sense.

    That must be very disheartening. I wouldn't reply to this guy or girl if I were you. A lot of people just want to get into an argument.

    It sounds like you've learned a lot from the beginning of this process. Your always welcome here whether or not you want to continue your campaign :).
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    Re: A big No No for Creators

    by ACLeathercraft » Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:35 pm

    Hi Sal,

    This episode looks set to continue unfortunately. I had a lovely email from the Creators - quite happy to add my link and they were very complimentary about my campaign. Alongside that, I had an email from Kickstarter saying it had been brought to their attention (and they had verified) that I had made "unsolicited comments" on a project and that it would not be tolerated!!

    As you can only comment when you back a project then I don't believe any comment can be "unsolicited" as you are invited to comment as a backer. Secondly, I have the email from the creator - and from other creators inviting me to add my link.

    Clearly the "Troll" reported me to KS and the have "warned" me without any regard for what has really gone on.

    To be honest, I am totally fed up with it and with orders coming in from my mainstream business, I think I will pull the project afterall. KS has left a pretty nasty taste in my mouth so far!

    I will sleep on it I think :)
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    Re: A big No No for Creators

    by LeatherDiceBags » Mon Aug 05, 2013 7:52 pm

    According to the guidelines set forth by Kickstarter for the US community, http://www.kickstarter.com/help/community, promoting a project on other projects' pages is prohibited and considered spam. I am uncertain if the UK version of the guidelines is different. Kickstarter encourages their users, backers and creators, to report violations of the community guidelines by providing a multitude of methods to report perceived transgressions to the rules.

    ACLeathercraft, if project creators are directing you to post a link in the comments, then they may be unaware that they are asking that you violate Kickstarter's posted guidelines. I'm not sure how to avoid the problem you experienced, ACLeathercraft, if the project creator will not take the time to post your link themselves. Perhaps willing project creators could try offering a blanket approval on their comment board for backers to post links to other projects in the comments. I don't know how Kickstarter would respond to complaints on a comment board if it fell under blanket creator approval.

    The most effective form of cross promotion I have experienced as a backer and a project creator is a positive comment related to both projects, a link to the other project, and a small photo in an update to backers.

    (My opinions and experiences are my own and are merely offered as alternative views on the situation being discussed. My post is not intended to offend, merely to participate in the discussion in the hopes that I might be of assistance (however limited) and learn from the experience.)
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    Re: A big No No for Creators

    by sbriggman » Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:32 pm

    LeatherDiceBags wrote:
    ACLeathercraft, if project creators are directing you to post a link in the comments, then they may be unaware that they are asking that you violate Kickstarter's posted guidelines.

    Yes, this is likely the case (many project creators not knowing this TOS fact). Technically, yes, this type of promotion violates the US TOS, but it's kind of a dick move for someone else to bring it up if you just pledged a good amount. At the same time, I can see from Kickstarter's point of view why they want to ban this type of activity - it's hard to draw the line between acceptable and not acceptable link inclusion.
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