Anyone used BackersHub?
  • stagdesigns
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    Re: Anyone used BackersHub?

    by stagdesigns » Tue Sep 16, 2014 4:33 pm

    I used BackersHub Twice! Once in the beginning of the campaign and once towards the end!

    When I launched Kickstarter I was inundated with solicitations on crowd funding help. I choose BackersHub because it was straight forward and made sense. Dwight is hands on and stays involved to make sure you get the attention you need.
    I ordered the top package and instantly received over 4,000 dollar boost in pledges! I ordered a second one later to boost the campaign and received another 3-4,000 thousand. For a minimal investment BackersHub worked great for my project. It would have been tough without there help! They will create the traffic and that is what is needed.

    Clay Kennedy
    Stag Designs

  • zepdylan21
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    Re: Anyone used BackersHub?

    by zepdylan21 » Tue Sep 16, 2014 4:58 pm

    We used Backer's Hub during our Kickstarter campaign and had a fantastic experience. We probably raised an additional $5,000 because of Dwight and his efforts. Great to work with.
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    Re: Anyone used BackersHub?

    by » Tue Sep 16, 2014 5:38 pm

    We used BackerHub for our kickstarter campaign. ... ooden-maps

    We tried several other similar sites as well. Honestly I can say that BackerHub was the only one we used that I noticed a significant difference in the amount of pledges when they posted. When the first posting went live we got some great traction. (Recommendation. When someone comments on your sponsored post. Don't immediately reply. By waiting a few hours when you reply it re bumps your listing to the top of peoples news feeds again so there is a better chance to hit a higher target market. We had great results doing that.)

    Also we noticed a big uptick in pledges on the day the newsletter went out and the last post coming in the final days of the campaign is clutch. All that to say I found them to be super helpful and it was the best thing I spend my marketing dollars on.

    If that was helpful or you want more info please feel free to contact me. My website is and my email is at the bottom of the page. Don't want to post it here for all the Spam Bots.
  • SatchelandPage
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    Re: Anyone used BackersHub?

    by SatchelandPage » Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:58 pm

    As a project creator, BackersHub was one of the few marketing initiatives that was a positive ROI for us.
    They have a highly targeted mailing list of people who support multiple Kickstarter campaigns.
    Our project is here:
    While their list is quality and targeted, if your product doesn't convert on Kickstarter or on your website, it won't convert through BackersHub email list. Meaning, if your project didn't make it's funding goal, it's not because of BackersHub's email list or if BackersHub made a typo, it's because you don't have a strong enough product.

    As a project backer, I enjoy BackersHub because it shows me quality campaigns that I would have otherwise missed. There is becoming more and more junk on Kickstarter and BackersHub helps me weed through it.
  • ncmantle
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    Re: Anyone used BackersHub?

    by ncmantle » Tue Sep 16, 2014 11:26 pm

    Yes - Backershub Rocks! As a project creator, I invested in three different organizations to assist in marketing my Kickstarter project. Backershub is connected to an exclusive "For Backers Only" community and was by far the best resource. Without
    question, Backershub delivered the most effective campaign support and the ROI was outstanding. I plan on staying connected to Dwight Peters and his awesome team - they continue to support and I can call anytime. If I ever venture into another project, Backershub is my first stop. One key number to keep in mind, when I signed up with Backershub, there were only 1500 members... now there are over 10,000. I think the growth (in only a few months) speaks for itself - if you have a great project presentation and substance to attract backers to go along with it, Backershub will only enhance your success!
  • bryan_zendure
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    Re: Anyone used BackersHub?

    by bryan_zendure » Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:04 am

    I'm the creator of Zendure and we have used the Backershub promotional package twice already, and we are going to do it for the third time.

    Our first run with Backershub was great with 10 times ROI. The second one wasn't as good as the first run, probably because it's too close to the first one.

    Dwight is a great guy. He's always responsive and easy to work with. He even invited us to be featured on his podcast, which is due in a few days.

    All in all, it's a highly recommended service for project creators!
  • sangsung02
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    Re: Anyone used BackersHub?

    by sangsung02 » Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:59 am

    Used it. Excellent communication, Good exposure, Good value. Great ROI. The community is also fun. Got some nice insights from the members. Been a lurker as a backer since. :D
  • westsac71
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    Re: Anyone used BackersHub?

    by westsac71 » Fri Sep 26, 2014 12:02 am

    I find that you have to dig deep into comments and feedbacks and testimonials before jumping into any promo sites. I am still in search of a good one.
  • aminkalden
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    Re: Anyone used BackersHub?

    by aminkalden » Mon Oct 06, 2014 7:15 pm

    We (Recoil Cord Winders) were a successfully funded Kickstarter in 2012 and it was a crazy whirlwind. Not just becoming a global company overnight, but the time it took to sort through the legit opportunities/requests and those that were not so above board. Let me say I developed a very jaded outlook on anyone approaching Recoil about a "partnership" around Recoil that leveraged our Kickstarter success.

    When Dwight at BackersHub approached us, I had a healthy dose of that skepticism. We were definitely impressed with their reach and their transparency with us and their customers. The communication was timely and they really wanted to build BackserHub with the sincerity and honesty of supporting the makers.

    So, our experience has been really positive and when we do a promotion with them see a serious spike in sales. Up to 3X return on investment. We have woven in BackersHub to our holiday promotions and really appreciate the extended reach they provide to people who are "backers" - we wouldn't be a company without folks like that.

    May be a bit late to this conversation, but just my 2 cents.
    Recoil Automatic Cord Winders
  • KFH
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    Re: Anyone used BackersHub?

    by KFH » Fri Oct 24, 2014 2:25 pm

    This is interesting and I wish I knew about this earlier.
    It is informative to know what backers actually want and what they are looking for in a project.
    Thankyou for your insight and your diligence to support great ideas :)

    Going onto Backershub right now.
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