Preference for Backing
  • nikita1989
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    Re: Preference for Backing

    by nikita1989 » Sun Sep 07, 2014 12:04 pm

    I have baked few projects , but the last one it's ... cket-cloud , I like this project it's a WiFi enabled flashdrive that can connect to all of your Windows, Mac, Android and iOs devices at the same time. I can wait to get it .....

  • Ildiko Davis
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    Re: Preference for Backing

    by Ildiko Davis » Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:12 pm

    I have funded 3 projects so far, all of them in some way related to me personally and stirring strong emotions in me.

    The first project was funding a short film produced by a friend of mine - mainly because I wanted to support her to follow her dreams. She is an actress who decided to produce films in order to be able to act in films and has been successfully funded few films via crowd funding now.

    Another project was to fund a small town school in Holland, where teachers and parents of highly sensitive children decided to fund a small school that was designed to harness the positive benefits that a supportive environment can have on highly sensitive children. They are the quiet children who often show early signs of maturity and deep thinking and can have a hard time in typical loud and overcrowded modern school environments but flourish in schools where their need for protection from sensory overload is catered for. I am a counsellor , who specialise in working with highly sensitive people, as defined by research psychologist Dr, Elaine Aron (see more about at and I was very moved by this project and wanted to support those parents and teachers who were so keen to give the best possible start in life for their sensitive children.

    My 3rd project is also related to the research findings about high sensitivity. This issue affect about 15-20% of all people, who are born with a different kind of nervous system that makes living in our overstimulated modern world quite challenging. Understanding how I am different from the majority of the population and what I need to do differently to flourish, has changed my life and I have been using successfully this concept with others as well, as a counsellor. So, I was very exited to hear about a crowdfunding project to make a documentary film that aims to raise public awareness about what scientists already know about highly sensitive people but the world at large remained fairly ignorant about. This project on kickstarter ( ... told-story) has mobilised highly sensitive people all over the world, who want the world to know the truth about them. I strongly believe that this project has the potential to change the world and the lives of billions for the better and I can't wait getting my DVD of it, when it comes out :)
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    Re: Preference for Backing

    by diynf » Tue Sep 09, 2014 10:01 am

    Charles wrote:You want multiple visual elements on a project page, so that no matter what the page visitor's eyes gravitate towards first, there will be other things eying for the eyes' attention. That way, people are likely to linger on your project page for a longer amount of time, to take in what their eyes are finding to be visually interesting.

    That is wonderful advice actually Charles. I will have to keep that in mind as we finalize the Kickstarter site. Hoping to have a preview link soon so that people can in fact visualize our idea and goal. Thanks again for that bit.
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    Re: Preference for Backing

    by diynf » Tue Sep 09, 2014 10:05 am

    SomewhereOutThere wrote:I am trying to think of more visual things I can put in my project page. I mean most of my photos are of the tokens themselves in various places and I feel as if that might get boring. I do have some photos of my 'workplace' such as it is. If I can come up with some new sort of photos to take that would help. Racking my brain!

    As Charles stated, visual aesthetics is great for a project page but you also want to make sure that you don´t overwhelm the viewer. I think your page looks really good and congratulations on reaching your initial goal. Perhaps add some more pictures of the tokens? I don´t think it would be boring considering that is the basis of your project. A little more but not too much. I also say add pictures of the tokens as opposed to something else because when I went to your page for the first time, I was intrigued but wanted to see more photos of the tokens themselves. Hope that helps and best of luck reaching your stretch goal! =]
  • JayRM
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    Re: Preference for Backing

    by JayRM » Wed Sep 10, 2014 4:48 am

    As someone that is hoping to (kick)start a business with a campaign, I only back projects that are in the same industry or in an industry that can help the business. I have a second account for personal use.
    Our Kickstarter campaign is now live! Snowboard-like skateboard with no bindings!
  • Psychosis
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    Re: Preference for Backing

    by Psychosis » Wed Sep 10, 2014 5:56 am

    My account in which I launch has no backings, I use my personal account for that. I just want to keep both accounts separate.
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    Re: Preference for Backing

    by diynf » Wed Sep 10, 2014 7:42 am

    Oh wow, that´s interesting. I didn´t think that maybe people who have personal and project accounts so that they can back different projects. I do however wonder what the thinking is behind keeping it separate to begin with? Do you back projects you are more passionate about with your personal account? If so, why wouldn´t you want your business or project account to reflect your passion as well? As always, just curious. Really great responses though. Thank you to everyone for responding and discussing! =]
  • imoto
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    Re: Preference for Backing

    by imoto » Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:36 am

    This is a really good question that I ask myself a lot too as a filmmaker looking to post campaigns about movie projects... but as a kickstarter hobby-ist this is my two cents on why I personally back projects:

    Since I am a video game and arcade advocate, I find myself backing up projects that fall under that realm the most.... and then I noticed on my pie chart that I didn't have it all filled out, and it now makes me more inclined to check out new projects in different categories. I think backers-clout is cool when you're trying to show that you are altruistic, but I don't necessarily it relies on the chance that people will back you once you post a project. I think truly, unless it's your friends and family, people will back your campaign if they are 1. Interested in that topic. and 2. Get a really cool reward from it. (In my case, it's to see my pie-chart fully colored hahahah which is a personal goal and not necessarily related to anything else.

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    Re: Preference for Backing

    by flashww » Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:38 am

    i tend to look for things i am familiar with technology and film

    but sometime i just randomly look though site and if something catches my eye and you think dam wish i had thought of that then that get a some funding from me
    Help promote Welsh film production, and get your name in credits awesome as awesome merch, ... f=kicktraq
  • jrmounts
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    Re: Preference for Backing

    by jrmounts » Tue Sep 23, 2014 9:47 pm

    I haven't backed anything yet because I was always so nervous about spam and such. However, my friend is getting his first ever campaign ready and I have confidence I can finally back something for someone I know!

    Awesome. :)

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