Only $2k in 2 days - Sign of failure?
  • GetVisa
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    Re: Only $2k in 2 days - Sign of failure?

    by GetVisa » Fri Sep 19, 2014 6:44 pm

    coolinvent wrote:Just have to keep pushing. Your're stats on the first day are promising. This is the momentum time in the beginning of your project. The more support, clicks and share you get, the higher you are up in the ranks. Don't focus on the negative, remember this is a full time job now and it should be your only focus if you want to be successful beyond your goal. BYW Kicktraq is just a prediction of what their program says not how much you are supposed to do. All campaigns start out with high goals on Kicktraq and then peter out as the campaign ages. Take a look at some other campaigns in your space on Kicktraq and you will see similar results as you have.

    Thanks coolinvent for your inputs. The problem I am facing is getting support from people outside my network.

  • loftofcambie
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    Re: Only $2k in 2 days - Sign of failure?

    by loftofcambie » Sat Sep 20, 2014 7:38 am

    I think $2K in 2 days is not bad. just keep pushing and it will come. Plan your PR activities daily to keep driving traffic to your campaign. I just launched a campaign myself and I am a newbie. A key take away for me is that I should have started my PR activities way before launch. As soon as the project goes live you I consumed by all the work such as updating the social medias, replying to comments and messages,driving PR and stuff.

    Reach out to all of your friends and get their help to spread the word of your campaign. Get all of your backers to the do the same too if you can.

    Good luck with your campaign and stay positive.

  • davcamp
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    Re: Only $2k in 2 days - Sign of failure?

    by davcamp » Tue Sep 23, 2014 12:02 am

    You have to keep pushing it. Try different outlets, try all your family's friends... get the word out as much as you can the first week.
  • GetVisa
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    Re: Only $2k in 2 days - Sign of failure?

    by GetVisa » Wed Sep 24, 2014 3:08 am

    thank you everyone for your suggestions. I really appreciate that.
    i did some research and found out that most of the backers in kickstarter are american who haven't faced immigration issues so i think that is the reason why i am not getting the kind of response i am expecting.
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    Re: Only $2k in 2 days - Sign of failure?

    by Charles » Wed Sep 24, 2014 3:19 am

    GetVisa wrote:thank you everyone for your suggestions. I really appreciate that.
    i did some research and found out that most of the backers in kickstarter are american who haven't faced immigration issues so i think that is the reason why i am not getting the kind of response i am expecting.

    You don't think that it might have something to do with the fact that your project page says that you have only 87 shares? Kicktraq lists it as 91 shares, but it's under a hundred shares, either way.
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  • GetVisa
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    Re: Only $2k in 2 days - Sign of failure?

    by GetVisa » Wed Sep 24, 2014 4:01 am

    Charles wrote:You don't think that it might have something to do with the fact that your project page says that you have only 87 shares? Kicktraq lists it as 91 shares, but it's under a hundred shares, either way.

    If we go by that logic, what you wanna say about this campaign ... t-the-hero
    It was shared only 16 times on facebook. Kicktraq number shows 2.

    So basically how many times a campaign is shared doesn't decide the success.
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    Re: Only $2k in 2 days - Sign of failure?

    by Charles » Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:24 am

    GetVisa wrote:
    Charles wrote:You don't think that it might have something to do with the fact that your project page says that you have only 87 shares? Kicktraq lists it as 91 shares, but it's under a hundred shares, either way.

    If we go by that logic, what you wanna say about this campaign ... t-the-hero
    It was shared only 16 times on facebook. Kicktraq number shows 2.

    So basically how many times a campaign is shared doesn't decide the success.

    No, but then again, if your sample is but a single other campaign cherry-picked to serve as a de facto shining example, then what you end up with is a skewered process. How much projects get shared DOES matter. For many projects, if not most projects, it will matter quite a bit, in fact.

    Furthermore, every project runs its own gauntlet, not the gauntlet of other Kickstarter campaigns. Whether any other, or even every other, campaign is successful won't matter, if your own campaign fails. Sharing is crucial to the building of momentum.

    You will also find that, at times, that the statistical features aren't always accurate.

    But, beyond that, project can get shared a lot, and not reach its funding goal. Many different things tend to factor into the equation of success, and each project ultimately must stand upon the sum totality of its own legs, not upon the legs of other campaigns.

    If you think that the sharing aspect isn't why your project isn't advancing as fast as you would prefer, then it is up to you to figure out and remedy whatever ails your project's chances of success. Regardless of however many Americans haven't faced immigration issues, the fact remains that in our nation of approximately three hundred and twenty million people, tends of millions of people living here have faced immigration issues. On top of that, immigration is a hot political topic, which is an indicator of strong interest in the subject matter, whether they've faced immigration issues personally or not.
    Squatch Kick! - Crowdfunding tips and articles
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    Re: Only $2k in 2 days - Sign of failure?

    by SoftTempest » Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:52 am

    NO, your Get Visa campaign does not seem to be a failure, although it appears you focused exclusively on the H1-B process instead of the general immigration and consular process (which is one of our projects under contemplation). But, to jumpstart your campaign, which we have been following and might pledge on gratuitously, you could back some other Kickstarters, including ours. We make it a policy to reciprocally back any active campaigns which back us. And as someone who has made tens of thousands of the H1-B process over the past decade, I'm eager to back you. Here's our link: (search for "Halloween Chronicles") because my cut-and-paste on my mobile phone has just started acting up.
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    Re: Only $2k in 2 days - Sign of failure?

    by updog » Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:03 pm

    I'm working on the same issue right now. It seems the most difficult part is getting people outside your network to go to your page. I wish I could help you get it into large news sites and blogs, but unfortunately I can't even get my own project in them yet.

    I will push you on Twitter though, if you wouldn't mind doing the same! @UpDog_Products.

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  • GetVisa
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    Re: Only $2k in 2 days - Sign of failure?

    by GetVisa » Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:18 pm

    Thanks UpDog.
    Sounds good to me.

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