Pre-Alpha Kickstarter
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    Pre-Alpha Kickstarter

    by infinitedeathdev » Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:26 pm

    Why a Pre-Alpha Campaign: During a recent trip out of town someone broke into our apartment and stole the computer that I was working on the game with. Over 6 months of work(appx: 20% of the photo-realistic terrain) is now gone. Luckily we had our laptop with us(so no loss of my Photoshop work), but it can't run Cryengine. So to avoid over a year delay I have started a campaign in hope to get this game back on track.

    The Game The Demon Within is set on the Island of MistHaven where magic is the base of all life.
    ~Single Player, 1st/3rd Person RPG
    ~Full Stat Customization
    ~Multi-Talent Tree System
    ~Crafting, Enchanting and Potion Making
    ~Complex Puzzles
    ~Rich Dialog and Story-Driven
    ~Full Open World - Except Dungeons
    ~Optional NPC Companions
    ~Evolving Quests that Change with Every Decision YOU Make
    ~4K Native Creation (Allows for higher FPS at lower Resolutions)
    ~Demons that will Creep up on You and Attempt to Catch You off Guard
    ~Available on Windows, Mac & Linux (Possible Console)

    Island Concept

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    Re: Pre-Alpha Kickstarter

    by dylanmad » Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:22 pm

    Cool! Sometimes I think the advantage that game kickstarters have is they can generate so many screenshots and graphics, and other things for people to watch. Beyond my video, and any graphic derivative of the novel cover, I really struggle to get engaging visuals in, which is why I've commissioned a map maker and some sketch artists. Anyway best of luck! And sorry to hear about that theft, worst I've dealt with is losing this very laptop I'm typing on, by leaving it on a Toronto subway train. I thought I would never see it again, but I diligently visited the Lost and Found, and some very nice person actually made sure it got there safely, and it still works.
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    Re: Pre-Alpha Kickstarter

    by infinitedeathdev » Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:34 pm

    I'm glad to hear that someone was nice enough to safely return your laptop.

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