by nobody » Fri May 03, 2013 2:16 pm
John, have you considered taking a graduated approach? What I mean is if you release to Kickstarter you got one shot. If you don't do everything just right and your project does not fund, it's like you're out of options except a lame re-release. However, if you start at the grass roots, at a site like and then work out the kinks in your project, you'll easily raise $1k--$2k to help you afford additional marketing and help with community support and refining your message. Then after you are complete with GoFundMe you are ready for your next step, IndieGogo. At this point, you'll likely have a small following of good supporters, and you're Indiegogo campaign will helpyou raise even more money. But don't use this money for the project directly yet, or for yourself, but instead, use most of the money to invest into marketing, press release, channel branding (e.g. facebook,youtube, twitter, etc)...building as you go...By the time you are done with Indiegogo, you will be ready to hit Kickstarter with full steam and momentum.
Let me know if you could use some help as I'm always up to helping collaborate on good projects...we all have different skills and pulling off a good Kickstarter project takes many different skills.
Good luck, and do you have a preview link yet for your project?