The #helpmeplz Journey
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    The #helpmeplz Journey

    by Helpmeplz » Sun Jul 27, 2014 6:35 am

    As you may not know I'm kicking the doors open on #helpmeplz show project to see what the community think of it. I've tried real hard to prove this project is legit and has validity but this project wouldn't be first...

    I'm doing this project a year or so after having failed miserable on a show called: "Faction" - while I still own the script and one day want to fund it... it didn't go so well. Most likely due to a lack of PR/ADS/and Pre-marketing, plus the fact that it didn't look anywhere as legit as my new project - I hope does.

    The last project I worked on didn't get much clout, no matter how much I tweeted, posted, and bragged on it. I think the totally I made is still listed on kickstarter: - I think I'm humiliated just looking at the $300/95,000k...

    So this is my Journey to start a brand new #KickStarter - Jump into entertainment and follow the dream!!!

    It begins funding AUG 1, 2014 - I'm so excited to give it a second go.

    The NO. 1 Question is How do I raise awareness for it?

    I've been doing an online ARG with the twitter account @hlp_meplz, posting images to instagram @hlp_meplz, facebook posting at , creating a facebook event for the launch, working on the website , and attempting to write a press release but unfortunately I'm not sure if it's exactly news worthy to do that. But I'm trying.

    Creating something from what seems as nothing is always hard work, lol :-)

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    Re: The #helpmeplz Journey

    by CraftswithHoney » Mon Jul 28, 2014 4:10 am

    I feel your pain! I've gotten plenty of "Yeah, great project..." feedback but only 2 backers. Granted, I'm promoting agriculture to clean up illegal dumping, so I may be barking up the wrong tree with Kickstarter to begin with but I'd figure that 3 days in I would have at least garnered a little more support. So far, it's just nods and people saying "good luck," and "very good cause".
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    Re: The #helpmeplz Journey

    by Helpmeplz » Mon Jul 28, 2014 5:29 am

    Got easy pledges? like $1, n $3 dollar pledges. Those who are saying "good luck" may be prone to pitch a buck or 2 in and every bit counts. Add a few and release an update, see what happens.
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    Re: The #helpmeplz Journey

    by Helpmeplz » Mon Aug 04, 2014 3:25 am

    WE LAUNCHED_ ... elp-me-plz

    I'm so excited and thrilled to have worked on everything so far and to see what the community says...

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    Re: The #helpmeplz Journey

    by Charles » Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:49 pm

    The video on display on the website isn't terrible, but neither is it particularly compelling. It started out well enough, but then failed to make me feel as though I am in actual danger. If you can't overcome that hurdle, how do you hope to succeed?

    Your older KickStarter page for Faction, have you bothered to look AND analyze it? It looks cobbled together, hastily thrown together, and it's some guy asking for almost a hundred grand/ Really?! A hundred grand???

    The new KickStarter page, the one for #HELPMEPLZ PILOT has more visual energy than the one for Faction had, but even still, in and of itself, that doesn't actually say one heck of a whole lot. Some of it still looks amateurish and cobbled.

    Here's a hint - if the images on the project page aren't visually engaging, then many won't bother to actually read the text on the same page. I didn't. If you want my attention ( or the attention of the public masses), then you have to either earn it or grab it. Ideally, your project page would just SEIZE our attention. rest assured, it doesn't - not in its current incarnation, anyway.

    You have one backer, and you've already got what, multiple stretch goals listed? Insane amounts! People aren't going take this seriously. You're giving them visual crap on your project page. What you need to give them is eye-engaging and substance.

    Your project page isn't clicking. That's why it has one backer at ten bucks. It's not rocket science. Potato salad can raise over fifty grand. Your concept, as executed and marketed, can raise ten bucks. Think about that, before you are satisfied wit the way that your project page currently looks.

    Your execution of your concept sucks.
    Last edited by Charles on Tue Aug 12, 2014 4:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
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    Re: The #helpmeplz Journey

    by Helpmeplz » Mon Aug 11, 2014 11:28 pm

    I'm one person man, if I was a team I'm sure it could get better.

    What would you suggest to help my project page be more "eye-engaging" and contain more "substance"?

    I only know very little, and yes a year or 2 ago when the Faction project was funding I learned a bit from that and I attempted to make huge strides to make this show more appealing and appear more professional.

    I'm trying. IF you like, point me in the right direction.
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    Re: The #helpmeplz Journey

    by Helpmeplz » Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:36 am

    I completely redid the project page, it should be simpler and eye-catching (a little).
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    Re: The #helpmeplz Journey

    by Charles » Tue Aug 12, 2014 4:45 am


    I understand the dilemma of you being just one person, and while I sympathize with that, it doesn't change the reality of the very difficult challenge that you have created for yourself.

    Look at it this way, you ask asking for twenty-five thousand dollars. That's a lot of money. The problem is not that there's not enough people who use or visit KickStarter to raise that amount. Some projects on here have raised millions of dollars in pledges - even in instances where they haven't sought anywhere remotely approaching such humongous sums.

    But, even still, we're talking about twenty-five grand. It's still a LOT of money.

    Ultimately, people are free to support any project that they want to, and they don't even have to have a reason. They can pledge to support a project based solely and only upon their own whims. Often, though, people tend to be persuaded by what they see or interact with.

    Your project page has a few sentences on it, at present, a video, and a few images joined into a single, larger image. Taken individually or as a whole, what about your Kickstarter page do you think should be persuading people to jump on this project with their pledges?

    You have 722 Facebook friends, and currently, you have zero backers. You've managed to lose the one backer that you had, previously, it seems. You are regressing, rather than progressing. You need to raise an average of $735.30 PER DAY< for each and every day reaming in your Kickstarter project's funding period. Do you have a Plan B? From my perspective, you don't even have a Plan A.

    It's not that your idea has no merit. People have fantastic ideas everyday that do not get executed successfully to become a reality. You're the one asking for people to part ways with $25,000, so it behooves you to be pretty darned persuasive.

    Your project page states that your objective is: A conspiracy theory web series drama, creating a pilot direct to dvd.

    Now, why it requires $25,000 to do that, I don't know. I've created DVDs at no cost, before, aside from the cost of the DVD.

    Your project page also states:

    When you shoot something on this type of budget you have to be willing to allow some time to finish the project. Putting this in perspective it takes 2 days of professional editors like me working around the clock, with great equipment, and a lot of producer planning to get a 23 minute show out.

    As we move up the stretch goals this can be avoided. A leap in funds helps me rent better equipment, assistants, maybe even contract a true VFX artist but all that depends on you.

    YOU NEED TO GET THE WORD OUT: share, tweet, pitch in another buck or two. GET THE WORD OUT.

    Instead of it falling to others to get the word out, it actually falls to YOU, not to THEM.

    Out of 722 Facebook friends, not so much as a single, solitary one of the people who know you through Facebook seem willing or inclined to support your project with even a minimal donation of one dollar. That doesn't speak well for your prospects to raise thousands of dollars from complete strangers, if the people who know you aren't willing to support your project, at all. Zip. Zilch. Nada. None.

    A few hours ago, you posted on your Facebook page the following: A lot of you are asking "WHAT ???" to END the LIES and #helpmeplz so this is what it is, explained. You also included that large image from your Kickstarter project page.

    Now, you don't say what "a lot" is, in that particular context, so there's no way for me to know. But, if they are inquiring about the project, but then still won't pledge to support it, then that's a pretty strong indicator that your marketing of your concept is failing. I have seen all kinds of things sold to the public, ranging from pet rocks to chicken manure converted into jewelry. So, if rocks and manure will sell, then pretty much anything has the potential to sell - and to sell well, as far as I am concerned.

    You acknowledge that you "only know very little." Well, there's no shame in that. Many people who know quite a bit about such things have still launched Kickstarter projects, only to fail.

    On the one hand, you know very little, but on the other hand, you decided to ask for twenty-five thousand dollars.

    I will say this - I don't think that your core concept is without merit. Every Kickstarter project rises or falls upon their own respective merits and demerits. If your current project page isn't working, and if it's failed to generate any funding flow, then why not just experiment with it a bit, and see if anything that you do generates any movement on your backer numbers. What do you have to lose?

    I don't have any magic solution for you, Justin. I simply try to give people feedback, from time to time, to try and help them figure out strong points and weak points, for the most part. In this particular project's case, I think that it will require an actual plan, and an actual investment of time, money, and/or skill, in order to raise anywhere near $25,000 dollars. But, that's just my opinion of one. Others might feel otherwise. You, yourself, might feel otherwise.

    Your website isn't terrible. It's OK, but aside from telling us that we're being watched, so what? We already know that. Edward Snowden made sure thatw e all knew it, although the public at large already knew it. Some aren't bothered by it, and others are. It's the details that get people's adrenaline flowing - and that's in real life. You're concept is what? Dealing with fact or fiction?

    Ultimately, you are creating a DVD, which is a film, right? Is it a documentary to inform, or purely for entertainment?

    You are advocating that we are being watched, and that they are listening. Who is doing the watching and the listening? The less that you tell people, the less that they know or can relate to it.

    The project website states:

    A smalltime university economic professor receives a txt message from his most promising student. On reply he becomes involved in a WAR between CEO Aaron Caloss of #OmNiCorp and the god of this uniVERSE.

    Aaron's wife Jezebel (Jezy),won't stop till the entire nation falls under her diabolical clutches as she wipes out #the_Connected and anyone else in the way of her family's future empire. ∆

    OK, so there's a religious connection. There's this war between some CEO and God. That doesn't seem like much of a match-up, to me. OK< so there's a woman named Jezebel (Biblical connection there), and she's diabolical. So what? Millions of people in the world are diabolical, every single day.

    Well, there's OmNiCorp. I'm not sure if the omni aspect is relevant, or if the letters that are capitalized are relevant. Jezebel is wiping people out, if they are in the way of her family's future empire.

    Ho hum.

    It doesn't excite me, but then again, I'm probably not your target audience. For that matter, though, who do you see as your target audience? Or have you given that any thought?

    I don't like to rain on anyone's parade. I simply try to be realistic. If your project isn't already in what's known as the Dead Zone, then it soon will be. You have managed to develop no momentum going into that phase of Kickstarter reality. That makes it extra tough on you to meet your funding goal.

    I wish you well with this project, but honestly, I just think that it is doomed. There's simply no positive indicators in your favor, at the current moment. A miracle can always happen, and you know that as good as anybody, but many Kickstarter projects fail. That's just the way that it is.

    What kind of feedback are you getting from people that you know,w ho know about this project?
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    Re: The #helpmeplz Journey

    by Charles » Tue Aug 12, 2014 4:54 am

    I went ahead, just now, Justin, and watched your project video, again.

    It's not a terrible video. It's decently made. But, that's a far cry from being persuasive, or compelling, or mind blowing. I watched it. I've seen it more than once, now. It's not accomplishing the objective of persuading me that I want or need to see more. People watching me, controlling me, listening in on me. No privacy.

    It's not more interesting than what I read in the newspapers or see in the news online, on a recurring basis.

    You opted to link it to a corporation and some woman named Jezebel. All of the NSA nonsense going on, and you bypass that for Jezebel. No allusions to the Mark of the Beast or to the Illuminati. You're trying to sell conspiracy material, but you've linked it to religion. Why should I care about Jezebel? Why should I care about this particular corporation?

    Your trailer (video) isn't making me want to go see this movie (help fund you to make it).
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    Re: The #helpmeplz Journey

    by Helpmeplz » Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:00 am

    I first wanted to thank you for writing the blurb. I am listening.

    Most of the people I talk with all ask the same question "what is it?" - and after I tell them a little bit of what I'm about to tell you than they say "it's cool" and many say they'll "pitch in" when they can.

    I find no reads anything.

    Also it's a web series pilot that's funding for 25,000 - only a web series because I can't guarantee any TV station will pick up the show but it's being developed to be of like caliber. Most likely a cross between a web series and a the quaintly you'd expect from a show because of the small budget. Yes, 25000k for a film IS EXTREMELY LOW BUDGET, and every professional I ask says "You must be ambitious." I work in a studio, and a lot of them say it can't be done. I'll be doing all the editing, and some of the effects to help cut costs (that's what I do at the studio) as well as using professional grade DSLR or comparable equipment but not necessarily broadcast grade - it comes with a hefty price tag. I also had to sacrifice on crew in favor of actors, as well as avoid some other big cost items.

    I suppose I should share more information about the story. Maybe what I share with you, you can help me condense in a form that I can include on my KS page to inform backers. I don't want to overwhelm them with text, they will never read.

    I'm also about to revamp my twitter ad campaign so I'm not terrible worried about the project entering a "black zone" - it just needs a few adventures backers to start getting going.

    Over 40 years ago a scientist, in universe, discovered a genetic abnormality that had a 1:10000 chance of occurring. His researched centered around the children that were receptive enough to the gene therapy at the time that activated this gene. This gene gave the person who owned an uncanny ability to recognize events before they happened and seem to have an almost impossible intuition. From the test the scientist was conducting he could tell that each subject was somehow receiving information in realtime because as he conducted experiments - he would change them randomly to see if the children responded with the same level of intuition. He believed that they were connected to an intuitive source of information and power. He theorized that the children (he found adults were not easily receptive to the gene's effects) were in constant communication with a higher power. He was diagnosed clinically insane years later and his project was bared.

    #OmNiCorp, Omnipotent Incorporated, (many years later) is an organization ran by CEO Aaron Caloss (who is obvious to the connected). He ran a very small research think tank that specialize in analytical equations and formula's. 5 years ago, Jezebel married Aaron and the company flourished into a full fledged corporation. In fact: #OmNiCorp is now the no.1 cellular service in america by congressional demand, owns hundreds of large corporations (including water, electricity, social networks, genetic engineering, agriculture, technology firms, para-military organizations, and most research development firms). It's a fact, if you buy something chances are #OmNiCorp owns it.

    Trouble is most of the US population (and the world) is oblivious to the quick growth of the company and the villainish way's it has been growing. It's extended efforts to grow rapidly included blackmail, framing, and extortion. Of course no one really knows and if you do... chances are your on their watch list.

    #OmNiCorp's number one resource for information is it's network of analytical database through a Artificial Intelligence called the DEB. Which is linked to most devices through #OmNiCorp's cloud operating system and the new socially connected ecosystem that replaced the internet: "The Feed". I don't think #OmNiCorp has had enough, nor do I think the CEO knows everything that is going on. His wife has high aspirations and she's willing to do anything to get her way.

    That's where The_Connected come in. Besides being a hacker group that bears their name and tires to inform the world of the lies and nefarious behavior of OmNiCorp; The_Connected are a group of individuals with the next generation of this genetic abnormality. They have the ability to directly communicate with, have a 2 way relationship with: GOD.

    The show starts with one such person: a simple economics professor who has no idea he carries the almost undetectable gene. He receives a simple txt message from his most promising student. She writes, "Help me PLZ!" Followed by, "They're shooting at me!!!" A txt message that will change the professor's life forever as he is thrown in the middle of a cosmic battle between GOD and the evil that now inhabit's the CEO's wife, and discovers an supernatural ability to speak to someone who truly is omniscient.

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