A few hours into your campaign..
  • ctp177
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    A few hours into your campaign..

    by ctp177 » Sat Aug 09, 2014 3:41 am

    How was it like the first few hours you clicked the "launch" button? A few hours into our campaign, my colleague and I are working strenuously trying to increase our exposure. It's as if the day I would condone myself to go to sleep, would be the day we succeed with our campaign... We would like to hear the story of the Kickstarter Forum community, how did your first few hours felt like and what was your reaction?

    We would also like to get your honest opinion of our Kickstarter project. Any tips, tricks and techniques to increase our conversion rate? If you guys are interested, we will share and tweet the link to your campaign for the same in return! :)

    Our Kickstarter link: http://bit.ly/AlexeanClipfold



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    Re: A few hours into your campaign..

    by Charles » Sat Aug 09, 2014 5:01 am

    1. The "5 days left early backer rewards!" in large text caught my eye, when I loaded your KickStarter project page. That's something that stands out from many other KickStarter project pages that I have looked at, over the last several weeks. Thumbs up on that. I would however, recommend that you change it to read either:

    Early backer rewards - 5 days left!


    5 days left for early backer rewards!

    2. Your wallet selection on display on your project page is limited - very, very limited. You tell me - how many different colors or designs are on display? At a glance, the three that you offer just sort of blended together, as I scrolled down the page without reading. Three colors, but not much color on any of them. Thumbs down! You need better photos to help the various colors be distinguishable at a glance. Your project page looks somewhat bland, because of the lack of color - and you make no use of colorful visual dividers to offset the visual difference. So, your product comes across as boring. Bland = Boring. Don't be boring.

    3. The music in your video becomes annoying. At one point, I tried to turn the volume down.

    4. Near the end of your video, the guy on the right side looks off to the side. He looks disinterested in his own presentation. It sends the wrong visual message, although he regained focus and interest at the very end.

    5. The small clip thing that holds the cash, it looks flimsy. Overall, you did a good job, I think, of showing shortcomings with certain other wallets. I like the duct tape prototype, and the variations on the clip thing as the design progressed. That's a plus.

    6. The use of large text, over-sized text, as visual dividers to break up the mass of text is a plus. But, no color or design to make the page, itself, more visually striking. You also make use of bold text. That's one way to improve visual impact.

    7. You do have some decent sized photos on display. That helps increase the visual impact and visual energy.

    8. There's some kind of black and white symbol below the music credits. That looks like crap. What is that?

    9. The animated clips that show the money being spread out and other wallets, I like those as visual props. You don't have to read it, to get it. Thumbs up on that aspect!

    10. Clicking on the link to the product website, that website is clean looking, which is good, but there's no real details or substance on it. BUT...the following image on it, you might want to consider adding to the KickStarter page. It's a nice image, looks good:

    http://www.alexean.com/wp-content/uploa ... G_1960.jpg

    It's a good image, because the wallet contrasts well against the green of the leaves.

    11. I like the sound level of the music around :50. Around 1:15 or so, the music becomes annoying, too loud. Around 1::22 or so, there's a sound in the music that is super annoying.

    12. Overall, the video quality of the video is good. It was pretty crisp and clear, visually. The sound at the very beginning, it has good sound quality. the quality of the sound is a distinct thing from the content or the presentation of the music.

    13. You have odd-ball pledge levels.

    14. The look of the wallets isn't exciting. No personalization. Fairly plain looking. Nothing that really grabs the eye and makes me say, "Wow!"What's the wow factor supposed to be?

    15. You should re-shoot your video. The explanation is fine, but you two aren't injecting much in the way of positive energy across much of your appearances in it. At the end, why not have a couple of girls, at least, in the scene. Or a group. Think in terms of visual eye-candy and/or social quality. Otherwise, you're left with two young guys fidgeting against a plain background. Plain = Boring. Don't be boring. Film it in a more visually interesting location.

    16. Do a better job of making your sales pitch. If you can't, then have somebody else do it for you.

    17. The photos under the Join Our Team section need to be replaced with better photos. The one guy is still looking off to the side, and the other one has a cheesy looking grin. You two guys are entrepreneurs, right? Look the part.

    18. Your product, itself, seems decent enough. It seems thought out. But, again, that clip looks flimsy, and your page as a whole doesn't comer across as tempting, as far as making it tempting to click on that video.
    Squatch Kick! - Crowdfunding tips and articles
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  • ctp177
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    Re: A few hours into your campaign..

    by ctp177 » Sat Aug 09, 2014 10:00 am

    Hey Charles! I really appreciate the time you took to give your honest opinion!

    1.) I'll apply these changes. Thanks for the pointers.

    2.) For the color options provided on our campaign; we did our market research to see which colors among the 8 options we had tested out to be the most favorable among our target market, and ironically, the ones chosen were the ones that bared the most similarities(all dark colors). Due to the substantial MOQ per color, we couldn't risk to provide a plethora of color options, so we stuck to the top three most favored. Regarding the color dividers, you have a good point. After taking a look at them again, i need to revert back into developing better/colorful photos.

    5.) The wallet we used for in our demonstration was a sample we tested out for about 6-7 months at most; so it has seen better days. It still functions perfectly, but we shouldn't have used it as it does raise a concern.

    8.) Will take it down.

    10.) In your opinion, would this thumbnail captivate your attention more or this (https://www.flickr.com/photos/123511944 ... 908458736/) than the one we have momentarily? I agree with the contrasting colors.

    13.) Can you specify what made it odd? I would make changes accordingly.

    14.) For this product we wanted it to be simple, nothing overly ostentatious. As far as personalizations go, we did want to implement more contrasting colors and features (stitching, leather & embossments), but we were limited due to our manufacturing capabilities. :/ We expected the WOW factor to come from the clip of the wallet, considering that there is no other wallet that enabled consumers to efficiently store and handle cash, while decreasing the complexities of most modern wallets. Although, I respect your opinion.

    15.) Thanks for your advice!

    17.) Deleted! I do have a cheesy smile don't I? haha

    18.) You speaking on the other side of the table, what is a way to convince you(or the viewers) that the clip is rigid and robust enough to withstand any conditions it is thrown at? What flaw did you see in the clip that deterred you? I would like to know, that way I can propose a better pitch for our product and assure the viewers that it will sustain over time. We'll make updates to the page asap.

    Once again, thank you so much for taking the time in giving your honest opinion Charles!! We will highly reference your advice in order to deliver a more efficient project down the road. :)


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