jfesmire wrote:My project is already live and doing fairly well, but I would still appreciate anyone's thoughts!
Hi jfesmire, I like your video, earnest sounding voice over which covers the details while providing nice visuals. And how can you go wrong with a combination like this... Steampunk, Zombies, Robots, and Western.. I'm sure you'll be getting a movie deal soon
Let's see.. as for constructive feedback... you might want to show yourself in the video a bit, just to get a more personal connection with the viewer.
I'm normally not a big fan of offering something even if a project isn't funded, but in your case I can see the benefit of building up your readers which will give you a stronger base for your next project (even if this one doesn't get funded).
Also, I'd say your rewards are very generous and your delivery time seems realistic to me.
No red flags jumping out at me on this one!
Best of luck!