19 days to go, 64%, My experience so far on KS
  • KodiBag
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    19 days to go, 64%, My experience so far on KS

    by KodiBag » Thu Jul 31, 2014 7:54 pm

    I thought I would share some of my thoughts, experiences, and challenges so far on Kickstarter. In return, please share my project! :D

    My project is the 2-in-1 Kodi Bag - Two bags consolidates into one for all the busy women on the go that you see struggling to carry multiple bags

    Check it out!!
    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/68 ... s-into-one

    A lot of my backers have come from friends and family and their extended networks. People sharing my link on FB has been key. Discussing my project with friends and family and warming people up for the launch months in advance really helped. I funded 41% my first weekend bc of this.

    Being a new project on KS also helped boost my launch. 16% came from KS search in the first weekend.

    What has not helped me much so far has been running FB ads. They helped me build my Kodi FB likes- 4.8% CTR, 1039 followers in 1 month. However, website ads on FB were not worth it- A lot of hype around the ads with comments, likes, and click but very low conversion. Not worth the money.

    One thing I am behind on and just now getting into is press. A local, retired reporter has just released a press release to over 400 contacts, local and national, so we shall see. Here it is http://www.tampabaynewswire.com/2014/07 ... -bag-26028

    I am also reaching out to a ton of bloggers and product sites with my press release, but this takes a ton of time, even if you are copying and pasting a lot. So if you are still planning your KS, start earlier on your press!!! Kicking myself for this!

    I am definitely looking for other creative way to reach backers. Any ideas? Other than you sharing it;) I am now towards the bottom of KS search which really does not make sense, but I do think that is hurting me. Tons of projects with no action ahead of me. Ugh! Anyways, I am experiencing the mid project slump. One day could be 0%, then next day 5% increase. Such a roller coaster and SO much work!!!! But who am I kidding, I LOVE IT! Thankfully.

    Those are my thoughts for now, I will share more as it comes to me. Feel free to ask me any questions. We should all help each other as much as possible!!! Like you sharing my project!!! :D Get the point???

    Tootles for Now,
    Carol & Kodi :)

    Ps. Sorry for typos! On the fly...........

    2-in-1 Kodi Bag Consolidate two bags into one. Great for Travel, Moms, and Work. Check it out!!
    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/68 ... s-into-one
  • tengsupply
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    Re: 19 days to go, 64%, My experience so far on KS

    by tengsupply » Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:14 am

    Have you received any responses from the blogs? I found that a lot of them want you to pay to get featured.

    You should create add your KS link as your signature
  • KodiBag
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    Re: 19 days to go, 64%, My experience so far on KS

    by KodiBag » Fri Aug 01, 2014 1:55 am

    Some responses, but nothing too serious so far, so that has not come up. Good to know... and will keep you guys updated.

    Added signature, thanks!!

    Do you have any suggestions based on what has worked best for you?
    2-in-1 Kodi Bag Consolidate two bags into one. Great for Travel, Moms, and Work. Check it out!!
    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/68 ... s-into-one
  • fabledfoxgames
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    Re: 19 days to go, 64%, My experience so far on KS

    by fabledfoxgames » Fri Aug 01, 2014 6:15 pm

    Yeah, I'm very early into my project, and have $50 into Facebook advertisements. Not sure if it'll be worth it. Does anyone have any recommendations as to a better use of that money?
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  • KodiBag
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    Re: 19 days to go, 64%, My experience so far on KS

    by KodiBag » Sat Aug 02, 2014 6:32 pm


    Still trying to figure that out myself... As for the Facebook ads, boosting posts to my existing fan base and their friends seemed to do the most for my KS. Nothing to shout about, but they are the only type of FB ads that I would recommend.
    2-in-1 Kodi Bag Consolidate two bags into one. Great for Travel, Moms, and Work. Check it out!!
    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/68 ... s-into-one
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    Re: 19 days to go, 64%, My experience so far on KS

    by sbriggman » Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:14 pm

    Good points. Yea, for FB ads to promote a Kickstarter, I've seen them be effective for some campaigns but not for others. It ultimately comes down to whether or not your conversions are good for the audience.
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.
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    Re: 19 days to go, 64%, My experience so far on KS

    by Charles » Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:29 pm

    While browsing this forum over the last week or two, I have actually clicked on links to your KickStarter project page several different times. With the exception of the very bottom of your page, it's a very visually engaging page. I say that, speaking from the perspective of being a man, one who has no intention of buying what you are selling.

    Today, though, I decided to click on your video, and actually watch it, from beginning to end. I had not even clicked on it, before, at all.

    The video is really well executed. The talking dog portions are amusing, but start to get old, but you squeezed just about the right mileage out of that gimmick.

    Beyond that minor point, I think that your video was truly well done. You are persuasive, as you talk about your product. You exude confidence. You're attractive. You're bubbly. You come across as genuine. YOU bring positive energy to your video. The "warning" posted at the very beginning doesn't net much of a response from me, at all. For some, maybe it will, though. Not sure.

    Here's something that caught my eye, that really just sort of grabbed my eye, that commanded my attention - your choice of clothing. That black and white top portion of your attire injects a lot of visual contrast. This, in turn, ups the visual energy. It's a superb example, I think, of how attention to what many might deem to be "small details" or "unrelated details" can impact a KickStarter video.

    The dancing sequences are OK, but the speeding up of them didn't help them, I don't think.

    The dog at the end was a nice touch. One thing that I think would have been a good boost, at the end, would have been if you had been suddenly swamped by other women, all carrying a Kodi Bag.

    Oh, and your name for your product - the Kodi Bag - it's short and memorable. That makes it easier to market.

    Plus, your product is sensible. On top of that, it is one of the core "must have" accessory items that women gravitate toward - purses.

    With only 60 backers bringing your project to over four thousand dollars, you'll likely make your goal, easily. Your biggest challenge is getting people to watch your video. If they watch it, it will likely sell them on your product.

    Hell, it sold me on it. I'm still not going to pledge, since it's an item that I simply don't need, but I will share it on Facebook, nonetheless.
    Squatch Kick! - Crowdfunding tips and articles
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    Re: 19 days to go, 64%, My experience so far on KS

    by KodiBag » Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:59 pm


    Wow, thank you for the feedback, both the good and the "ok" comments. I really appreciate you taking the time to do that. I definitely had constraints with my video due to budget and my limited video / editing skills. I wish I could have done a lot more cool lifestyle / branding shots with the Kodi bag, like the one you mention, but oh well.

    Sure you don't have any lady friends or family that need a Kodi bag??? :) Great gift for the busy women in your life! Either way, thank you for sharing!! That would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks Again,
    2-in-1 Kodi Bag Consolidate two bags into one. Great for Travel, Moms, and Work. Check it out!!
    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/68 ... s-into-one
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    Re: 19 days to go, 64%, My experience so far on KS

    by Charles » Tue Aug 05, 2014 5:17 am

    How much will a Kodi bag cost, anyway?

    Also, on your KickStarter page, under the HOW KODI WORKS section, there's a sentence that states:

    You simply insert the Kodi handbag against the wall on the inside of the Kodi tote, and them match and turn the 3 turnlocks.

    The word "them" should probably be changed to the word "then." Just now noticed it.
    Squatch Kick! - Crowdfunding tips and articles
    Currently backing on KickStarter: YEAR OF THE GOAT ISSUE #2
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    Re: 19 days to go, 64%, My experience so far on KS

    by KodiBag » Tue Aug 05, 2014 2:16 pm

    Thanks!!! Just changed it.

    $89 - $129, depending on the style / design per set. Also a range bc I have not 100% decided on retail. Still feeling it out.

    The bags will eventually be sold separately, when I have more styles. For the purpose of mixing and matching.
    2-in-1 Kodi Bag Consolidate two bags into one. Great for Travel, Moms, and Work. Check it out!!
    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/68 ... s-into-one

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