Strategy Card Game Kickstarter
  • fabledfoxgames
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    Strategy Card Game Kickstarter

    by fabledfoxgames » Fri Aug 01, 2014 6:29 pm

    Hey all! My friends and I are excited to bring you Ruinous - A game of adventure and deceit! Please check us out: ... -card-game

    We're very early on and I'm trying to expand our reach. Any suggestions as to the best strategy on a low budget? I've been paying for facebook ads but I'm not sure if its the best use of my funds. Thanks!

    Check out Ruinous, a card game of adventure and deceit!
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    Re: Strategy Card Game Kickstarter

    by Charles » Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:49 pm

    I clicked on your page, paused momentarily on the project image where your video is, and then scrolled down the page.

    Then, I clicked your page off. I didn't read the text. The images of the cards did nothing for me. POOF!! Another visitor just passing ever-so-briefly through.

    I went off, click on various links, and even playing some music videos on YouTube. Browsing through the forum here, I managed to bring up your posting, again. I managed to re-open your KickStarter page, by click\ing on the link that you provided. This time, I decided to try that video.

    The video starts well enough, The sound effect for the start of the video reel gets a thumbs up. Then, some guy appears with darkness all about him. That gets my attention, but you milk that cow too long. You will lose people BEFORE they ever get to the part where the various people playing the game take center stage.At the 31 to 32 second mark, the video gets interesting. Good explanation. Good visual depiction of the game in action.

    Then, Mister Boring Voice appears. ACK!!

    Your goal is high, for what you have on display. If visitors fail to watch the video, then I think that the rest of the project page holds no hope of selling this project for you.

    The game, itself, holds promise, I think. Whoever designed the project page, aside from the video, should be tossed down a mineshaft (a proverbial mine shaft, not a real one).

    There are so many things that you could do to make this project page more visually interesting. You can use photographs in the place of actual art. Introduce those playing the game with you in that video. Create some spiel. Bring this page to life. Right now, it's somewhat dead looking. The way that it looks is the real ruin, here. The true gems of your project are buried under a desert of wordsand - all that text, with little to break it up to make it visually manageable.

    I still haven't bothered to read that mass of text. There's no visual enticement to lead me down that chamber.

    Stop that guy surrounded by darkness at the 7 second mark. Continue the narration, possibly with another voice (a woman's voice, perhaps?), until you get to the point where the cards appear. The sooner that you get to that part, the sooner your video gets interesting.

    The players are animated, which is good, even if it is a bit cheesy. Yet, no sound from the players. That should be part of the fun, as far as generating atmosphere.

    I've run the video several times, now. It's a shame that this project will soon be entering the Dead Zone. Yet, you have a lot of time left. I think that you can salvage this one. It's definitely possible.
    Squatch Kick! - Crowdfunding tips and articles
    Currently backing on KickStarter: YEAR OF THE GOAT ISSUE #2
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    Re: Strategy Card Game Kickstarter

    by Charles » Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:52 pm

    Oh, lest I forget, that Fabled Fox Games website sucks. It reinforces the boring visuals that your project page's current look conjures up.

    After watching the video, I want a copy of this game. Do I want to pledge twenty-five bucks to get a copy of what is a card game, though? Not with your current graphics, I don't.

    Even if this KickStarter fails, you should consider relaunching the game by means of some other project page.
    Squatch Kick! - Crowdfunding tips and articles
    Currently backing on KickStarter: YEAR OF THE GOAT ISSUE #2
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    Re: Strategy Card Game Kickstarter

    by Charles » Sat Aug 02, 2014 11:05 pm

    You also need more pledge levels.

    I wen to pledge, and BAM!! Not enough choices.

    I started to pledge a dollar, just to gain you another number for your backer list, but then I see that the dollar pledge category was turned into a joke.

    OK. I get the joke. Courtesy laugh drum roll, please.....Ha.

    Create some more pledge choices, and I'll back this one. Leave the jokes to the professional comedians, though.
    Squatch Kick! - Crowdfunding tips and articles
    Currently backing on KickStarter: YEAR OF THE GOAT ISSUE #2

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