by BootlegBotanicals » Sun Feb 01, 2015 7:57 pm
That is infuriating, as a creator of a over funded project you should NEVER take money unless you know you will deliver. They claim to have spent their money, shouldn't that mean they have the wrinkles figured out before starting the campaign? Then to have squandered peoples money without anything to show for it. I agree this really looks like a scam, it is frustrating because it makes all the creators look bad.
They could have set realistic fulfillment levels with limited quantities available that could be sent by a specified date. Over funding then is no excuse, because you set the number you will ship by a specified date, then a date for the next wave of shipments.
I understand there are things that happen, but as a creator I am working with your money not mine to create something, the moment I accept the money I accept the liability of coming through for you.
Sorry for the soap box, things like this just bug me since there are ways to address it in the campaign.