Watching the Crowd PR "Group"
  • boygeniuswonder
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    Re: Watching the Crowd PR "Group"

    by boygeniuswonder » Wed Jan 10, 2018 10:12 pm

    It was guru like I said.

    But I don't even care if there is even a chance that these are the same companies I want to make them pay for it

    FRAUDWATCHMAN wrote:Hope you saw my post in your thread over there. Do you mind sharing more about what happened? We are trying to asses if these are all the same companies or not. Was it Crowd PR Guru you hired, or did you speak with all of the other companies as well?

  • pwalk119
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    Re: Watching the Crowd PR "Group"

    by pwalk119 » Mon Jan 15, 2018 5:30 am is the same group. Previously went by the website and GlenRoss before that. Constantly changing their name over and over once their scam reputation catches up to them.
  • teamcrowdco
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    Re: Watching the Crowd PR "Group"

    by teamcrowdco » Sun Mar 04, 2018 9:09 pm

    CROWDCO has NO AFFILIATION WITH ANY OF THESE COMPANIES. The only company we have had for the past 8 YEARS is CROWDCO. The threads you mentioned have proof that the claims are false. We are not a scam, we are one of the oldest crowdfunding marketing agencies in the space. Our latest campaign can bee seen here DYGMA RAISE (CREDITS ARE IN THE PAGE) SO NO WE ARE NOT A SCAM. We are hardworking, creative and very passionate of the work we do for Kickstarter and Indiegogo clients: ... term=dygma

    FRAUDWATCHMAN wrote:Summary

    UPDATE: Crowd PR has no association with any of these companies. I received a PM from the founder of Crowd PR and an offer of a skype chat. During this chat, I was shown clear evidence that Crowd PR is an active agency producing results frequently. I apologize for my accusations.

    In the last week alone, there have been reports here about Crowd PR Guru, Crowd Co, Crowd PR, and Crowd PR Ninja (as well as Crowdfunding PR Ninjas). Following is links to all of those discussions for all to see.

    Links about Crowd PR Guru: crowd-pr-guru-is-a-scam-t7935.html
    Links about Crowd PR Ninja: anyone-heard-of-the-crowdfunding-ninja-t7773.html
    Links about Crowd PR & Crowd Co: crowd-co-is-now-crowd-pr-beware-t7939.html
    Links about Crowd PR Angels: is-crowd-pr-angels-legit-t7938.html

    It seems these companies (or company) is very active as of late. I felt it was necessary to do a full post an round up all the reports and investigate any links between these companies. Due to the similar sounding names, I as well as others in the community have been wondering if there is a connection between all of these companies, and wondering if they are all run by the same person or people. Something of a "group" of companies with slightly different brands who target projects and use the multiple brands to statistically increase their odds of closing a deal. If this is the case, then this "group" is one we all need to beware of as project creators. Evidence is scarce, but based on my research alone I believe there is a way to connect the dots. Following is my analysis of each company in the potential "Group" and any findings that may indicate they are connected. The conclusion section of this report includes a summary of my findings and the strongest evidence of all connections between these companies.

    About Crowd PR Guru
    There have been at least 2 scam reports on this company in this forum alone, and a very long thread about them in another crowdfunding forum that dates as far back as 2014, see that here:!

    This company is using another company's website (PR Hacker). It is the exact same website and a clone. Based on what I have read online, it is not possible to clone a website unless you have access to the backend of that website. I have read posts that the company they cloned their website from is something of a franchise, where they allow other companies to use their brand association in order to get more customers. Again, this was but a casual mention I read about this so it may or may not be true. Read more about the "parent company" arrangement here:

    They may be the exact same company, a franchise, or there is still the chance that they were able to clone their website without proper login credentials. You can see a more in depth report as well as a full domain registrar analysis at the link below. There is also a person who has been posting daily about them online for over 3 years who says this company is also TopLevelPR, and TurnkeyPR. Read my full report about this here: crowd-pr-guru-is-a-scam-t7935.html

    Following is the first report I cam across about Crowd PR Guru by the person who has been posting about these companies for years. Dated 2016:

    Notice how their domain says guru, but their whole website says hacker:

    About Crowd Co
    This company has a long and ongoing thread on the forum here, several disgruntled former clients, but there does seem to be some arguing as to if they are actually a scam or not. Here's that thread:

    But keep in mind: I reported yesterday that there are 2 companies with the exact same name in the exact same space. Perhaps this is some sort of slip up by the group where they allowed their names to be too similar and people began to catch on to it. A rookie mistake indeed. This easily identifiable naming structure does give credence that multiple brands are being used. A link to that thread about Crowd Co and Crowd PR can be found in the first paragraph of this post. Keep in mind that the link between Crowd Co, Crowd PR, and Crowd PR Guru is based only off of their similar names.

    Whois data as well as confirmed threads in this forum show that Crowd Co is based out of Los Angeles, and their domain was created 2013-06-06. This is inline with what their website says and what they have said in other places online about themselves (Crowd Co Again though, I want to make it clear that is is just the similar names that are making people wonder if it is the same company as Crowd PR or not. You can see the full report and in depth analysis in my more direct post on this company in the thread here: crowd-co-is-now-crowd-pr-beware-t7939.html

    About Crowd PR

    UPDATE: Crowd PR has no association with any of these companies. I received a PM from the founder of Crowd PR and an offer of a skype chat. During this chat, I was shown clear evidence that Crowd PR is an active agency producing results frequently. I apologize for my accusations.

    There is a recent thread about how Crowd Co has rebranded as Crowd PR, but that post was confirmed to be just speculation due to the similar names (Crowd PR and Crowd Co have the exact same number of letters in their brands). The Crowd PR domain (, according to official whois registry was created on 2017-06-01. Due to the more recent creation date, it is quite possible that this company is a rebrand. The names are eerily similar as well, and they are even similar to Crowd PR Guru and Crowd PR Angles. The registrant contacts are different (compared to Crowd Co), but domain registrars allow you to enter any info you want into those. This company has shown up in the same posts by the disgruntled former of client of Crowd PR Guru who has been posting for 5 years. Here is one of those posts from 2016 where Crowd PR Guru, TopLevelPR and TurnkeyPR are all claimed to be the same company:

    I think it is even the same person who has setup this website which is just a website that has a few sentences of text saying that Crowd PR is not real (note the Crowd PR confirmed website is

    Due to the length of time this person has been posting and possible instability of the poster, I do not consider this to be proof but I do consider this to be something of a potential link between these agencies. Although this company has not been around for 5 years it is quite possible they are indeed a rebrand of other agencies like Crowd PR Guru and Crowd PR Ninja. Also, this company does show up in a thread on a different crowdfunding forum about Crowd PR Guru, which is another potential connection (see the link above to the crowdfunding forum post about Crowd PR Guru etc.) I do think the mention is from the same person who has been posting for years where their posts include all of the other companies (or company).

    About Crowd PR Ninja
    This company has been proven to also go by the name of Crowdfunding PR Ninjas according to whois data. Here we have clear evidence of rebranding. This company does the same thing as all of the other companies mentioned here, which is another dead give away of the connection in both naming and type of service. Their whois data includes the exact same contact info and company LLC names, so it's safe to say without a doubt that these 2 are the same companies operating behind different but similar brand names. There are confirmed reports on this forum of these ninja companies scamming, see here: scammed-by-crowd-pr-ninja-aka-crowdfunding-pr-ninjas-t7936.html

    Here is the ninja site for all to see:

    The first red flag here is they all have the same name, and the same kind of service is provided. We have found whois matches for Crowd PR Ninja and Crowdfunding PR Ninjas. There is also people who claim to have worked with Crowd PR Guru, TopLevelPR, and TurnkeyPR, and claim that these 3 are the same companies (see Crowd PR paragraph about for link). The link between Crowd Co and Crowd PR based solely on their similar names.

    Wired has a great article about avoiding scams that is a must read if you are considering hiring any of these companies, see that here. I applied the same methods mentioned in the article during my research here and it helped me tremendously. I highly recommend any project creators do the same thing when evaluating companies which are not mentioned by the community here, because new agencies crop up all the time and agencies rebrand all of the time. Here is that article in Wired for you to read:

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