The Official Crowd PR Review
  • mike420blazed247
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    Crowd PR

    by mike420blazed247 » Sat Feb 17, 2018 12:30 am

    We must be constant and we must be vigilante. I see that many top tier publications and media outlets have guides on how to crowdfund properly. Beware of them: has-anyone-hired-crowd-pr-t11437.html

    Here is a good one:

    My favorite part of the article was when the journalist wrote these words:

    "Nearly every startup these days will consider crowdfunding at some point on their journey as a potential means of securing funding. Maybe you’re burning rapidly through small bank loans, your own savings, or “family and friends” funding—and you’re ready to see what the crowd thinks. There are numerous platforms to choose from, each with pros and cons. Do your due diligence and find a platform or two that match what you’re looking for."
    Last edited by mike420blazed247 on Sun Mar 18, 2018 7:05 am, edited 2 times in total.

  • BigBoJackson
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    Crowd PR

    by BigBoJackson » Sat Feb 17, 2018 12:32 am

    Looks like another firm is trying to copy Crowd PR. They must be getting big with everyone trying to copy their brand. But you can tell them all apart because Crowd PR is the only one with the .PR domain.
    no live campaign yet, im gearing up for a big 2018

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