Social Networking Picture Frame at $52k on Kickstarter
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    Social Networking Picture Frame at $52k on Kickstarter

    by therriaultk » Sat May 31, 2014 3:39 am

    Famatic is a picture frame whose purpose is to allow loved ones (those who are less savvy when it comes to technology in particular) to keep in touch. The team is asking the Kickstarter community for $75,000 for their frame, which can recieve photos directly from social networks such as Instagram or Facebook and allows the owner to comment on the photo directly from the device.

    Thijs Suijten, Co-Founder of Famatic, shares on Kickstarter: 

    I take a lot of photos of my daughters and share them on Facebook. But the ones who’d love to see them the most, their grandparents, are unable to see them because they're not familiar with social media. I found myself printing photos or bringing a laptop when visiting them to show photos of their grandchildren, such a hassle. I asked myself, why isn't there an easier way to share photos with them?

    They also note that Famatic picture frames have been tested on real grandparents.

    What do you think of this product?


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