Refold Cardboard Standing Desk Is Portable And Recyclable
  • sunsj
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    Refold Cardboard Standing Desk Is Portable And Recyclable

    by sunsj » Tue Oct 14, 2014 3:11 am


    Refold has created a unique cardboard standing desk designed for anyone in the market for a portable desk, that is both lightweight enough to be carried by a single person and also100% recyclable.

    The innovative cardboard standing desk has been created by New Zealand-based design company Refold and has been designed to combine innovation and offer environmental awareness, as well as provide a working surface for standing. Watch the video after the jump to learn more.


    The design of the Refold standing desk allows it to be collapsed down into a compact carrying case making it easily transported from one location to another. The Refold cardboard standing desk project is currently over on the Kickstarter crowd funding website looking to raise enough pledges to make the jump from concept to production. Its creators explain a little more :

    “This desk enables your lifestyle. It folds into a lightweight, compact carry case, allowing you to work and live the way you want. The flexible, user-friendly design caters to endless applications. It could be used for offices, schools, creative studios, events, or even mobile offices and disaster relief. The desk is yours to decide how it can work for you.

    The desk is designed to take everything you can throw at it, and then some. Capable of holding the weight of a person and made using durable 7mm thick, twin cushion, kraft cardboard, this desk will last! The portability facilitates a modern workflow, allowing flexibility and aiding collaboration. It enables project teams to assemble a unique collaborative working environment in minutes and adapt it to their needs as they change.”

    So if you think cardboard standing desk is something you would like to use, visit the Kickstarter website now to make a pledge for US $115 and help the Refold cardboard standing desk become a reality.

    I love gadgets!
  • tristannyc
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    Re: Refold Cardboard Standing Desk Is Portable And Recyclabl

    by tristannyc » Thu Oct 16, 2014 2:03 am

    Why Cardboard?
    Romance in NYC - A Short film shot ENTIRELY on the iPhone 6: ... ne/backers
  • hogeandco
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    Re: Refold Cardboard Standing Desk Is Portable And Recyclabl

    by hogeandco » Thu Oct 16, 2014 3:33 pm

    Pictures aren't loading for me.

    But yeah, why cardboard? Seems like it would not like any liquids spilled on it...

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