Record-breaking Campaign Star Citizen Surpasses $65M
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    Record-breaking Campaign Star Citizen Surpasses $65M

    by therriaultk » Thu Dec 04, 2014 11:09 pm

    Cloud Imperium Games launched a crowdfunding campaign on their website in October 2012 to raise money for a science fiction multiplayer online PC game called Star Citizen. The game is to be released for GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows.

    In March they officially received the record for largest crowdfunding project ever from Guinness World Records after they reached the $39M mark and are currently working on reaching $66M. The previous record holder was Ethereum, which raised $18M in September 2014.

    The pledges have been steadily increasing, “We’re hitting six or seven-million dollar months as a regular occurrence,” David Swofford, Director of Communications at Cloud Imperium Games recently told The Guardian. This has been attributed in part to the number of stretch goals they have planned and timely updates to backers.

    Check out the full post on CrowdfundingPR! ... asses-65m/

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