My suggestion for Kickstarted how to prevent fraud
  • Magic
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    My suggestion for Kickstarted how to prevent fraud

    by Magic » Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:47 pm

    Kickstarter you should have a escrow fund for all projects. If a project like Hot Watch only ask for $150,000 and receives $616,231. You should only release $150,000 until they have completed there delivery of their product to the backers. This way Kickstarter you have money to refund if the project is a scam. There should also be time limits place on completion of the promised project. I have only backed the Hot Watch project and still not product. Kickstarter this make me unwilling to back anymore projects on your site. If you had put my suggested in place. These safe guards would give more confidence in your Company of Crowd funding through Kickstarter.

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