Their domain has a trust score of 3/5, an Alexa rank of 90,755, and 8.3k daily visitors. Seems to be real visitors, but synthetic traffic is hard to spot. According to this post on the crowdfundingforum, they seem to turn away customers:. Here ist he link to that conversation: ... 11812.html. These are all good signs, but we can't be too certain as they could just be going after the big fish campaigns where the profits are higher.
A quick google search turned up and interview they did with I wouldn't consider that a large publication, so it is unlikely their journalist did a ton of looking into of their history. But still, we can consider this a positive sign tentatively.
Their website says they performed the advertisement for one of peak design's campaign. That is a bold claim. I think in order to settle this matter once and for all, someone needs to message the founder of peak design to get a reference check on these guys. A positive reference will prove they are no scam, but if the reference says that they did not work with them, then we can say they are a scam.
Overall, I say this is a somewhat low risk agency based on what I have found. Worth looking into, cautiously.
I am the watchman of fraud, always on the lookout to report crowdfunding scams, thieves, and falsehood. I've fell for countless crowdfunding scams, and it's my mission to stop as many of them as possible.