Great Marketing Tactic
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    Great Marketing Tactic

    by therriaultk » Fri May 16, 2014 1:36 am

    Joss Whedon, who is directing The Avengers: Age of Ultron, recently successfully funded his indie romance film, In Your Eyes on Kickstarter. Part of his team's vision is for films to be widely available shortly after it premiered, and so they announced that $5 downloads would be made available after it's Tribeca debut. Since then, the team has been sending gifts worldwide to individuals who streamed the movie. These people are chosen randomly, but in priority of those who watched sooner. Many of these are big Whedon fans, while others came across the movie by chance and were confused by the gift that arrived in the mail. Some of these gifts include signed posters and movie scripts, Apple TVs, X-Box Ones, and cacti.

    The entire endeavor has been in the DIY spirit of what Whedon has been attempting to do since releasing Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog online in 2008: cut down the distance between the artist and the audience. “What’s been super about this project in particular is calling home to my mother and saying, like, ‘I’m getting to play in the sandbox. This is more of what I came out here to do,’” said Roiff. “Usually, there are so many layers of people saying, ‘No, you can’t do that.’ It’s so cool to have people write back and say, ‘This is awesome!’” He laughs. “It’s been a lot of fun.”

    Of course, the media attention this has received is just an added bonus. This article includes pictures and tweets from people around the world to show how people have been sharing their interest in this phenomenon. Of course, not many Kickstarter project creators can afford to shower their fans with random gifts. What do you guys think about this? Have you heard of people doing this type of thing before?


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    Re: Great Marketing Tactic

    by soapskeptics » Fri May 16, 2014 2:04 pm

    We are giving away surprise gifts as well! ... lm-art-and

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