spiceup wrote:So many crowdfunding agencies... but who to trust?
karl321 wrote:I got their spam messages. If you market your business via spam it's bound to be shite.
karl321 wrote:I got their spam messages. If you market your business via spam it's bound to be shite.
jsmizzal14 wrote:I am happy to write a reply regarding lowkey's slanderous claims about Funded Today as I was the client specialist that interacted with lowkey when he explored the option of working with Funded Today. After reading my commentary it might seem a bit easier to understand why he says, "I hate Funded Today to the core." Many of lowkey's sentiments are due to the fact that he was very upset when I let him know that Funded Today would not be working with his project after we discovered that he was infringing on Cloop's XL patent that was live on Kickstarter at the same time. Kickstarter nearly pulled lowkey's project from their platform too. Cloop XL also had to report lowkey for egregiously posting on the comment section of their project to drive backers away from Cloop XL to pledge to lowkey's Kickstarter campaign which happened to be running at the same time. At one point the dishonest and slanderous claims that lowkey was making on Cloop's page led them to hire an attorney to send a cease and desist and threaten a lawsuit if lowkey continued to infringe on Cloop's patent. It comes as no surprise to me that lowkey would continue in his ways. Old habits die hard is how the saying goes. I stand by my decision to this day to veto working with his project when it was brought before our board of directors and I would do so readily again if presented with the opportunity. His demeanor and attitude are not conducive to the creative and loving environment that crowdfunding has come to represent.
I thought I could post some evidence and some reviews from creators. Since lowkey has never worked with us before he can't really offer an honest review on our services nor do I believe he is honest in anything he does.
Here is a series of testimonials from many happy clients: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyMlXU ... BWcRFCOpag
Here are some Kicktraqs of projects we have worked on:
Here are some images within the backend of a recent project we are working on ERGO:
Any of the links that end in fnd.to are directly attributable to Funded Today. If you google ERGO you can easily see that they tried to launch on their own and didn't do much at all, https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/70 ... s-best-bac but after consulting and working with Funded Today to relaunch we are on track to raise them nearly a million dollars. While we may not track for the entire million, we push enough traffic to get products to land on the top page of Kickstarter and by doing so they make thousands of dollars that they wouldn't have made otherwise. How does a campaign go from doing $2500 to raising a million dollars....Funded Today!
When you are the best at what you do there will be a lot of people out there who will attempt to slander, demean, and tear down, but the facts and numbers dictate the truth. Until lowkey understands this he will never launch a campaign that is original or raises astronomical sums of money.
Here is where you can apply:
Check out what we have done for other campaigns:
hyperstarter wrote:HyperStarter = HyperDrive in this context, I think you made a small typo as we too are not associated with FT or HyperDrive
jsmizzal14 wrote:If you google ERGO you can easily see that they tried to launch on their own and didn't do much at all, https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/70 ... s-best-bac but after consulting and working with Funded Today to relaunch we are on track to raise them nearly a million dollars. While we may not track for the entire million, we push enough traffic to get products to land on the top page of Kickstarter and by doing so they make thousands of dollars that they wouldn't have made otherwise. How does a campaign go from doing $2500 to raising a million dollars....Funded Today!
jsmizzal14 wrote:Lowkey, if Hyperdrive didn't work with Funded Today on their Kickstarter project, why would Daniel Chin of Hyperdrive allow Funded Today to post their badge on his campaign page. Your story doesn't seem to add up because I went to the Kickstarter page and right there at the bottom of the page is Funded Today's logo.
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hy ... =discovery
I highly doubt a creator of a 1.8 million dollar Kickstarter campaign would allow an agency to post their badge if they didn't make a very substantial impact. I would advise that you review your "alternative facts" until you provide some links and proof behind the outlandish claims you make.
hyperstarter wrote:Anyway regarding Ergo, we actually spent time with them before they relaunched and went through everything they should do next with their campaign, so I think we deserve a bit of credit too
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