picklerick, although you are operating solely on suspicions due to the similar sounding names, I suspect you may be on to something. I believe it is important to operate on more that suspicion alone.
UPDATE: Crowd PR has no association with any of these companies that have Crowd in their name. I received a PM from the founder of Crowd PR and an offer of a skype chat. During this chat, I was shown clear evidence that Crowd PR is an active agency producing results frequently. I apologize for my accusations.These 2 companies came up earlier today when I looked into Crowd PR Guru, due to the similar sounding names. Here's that post for you to see:
http://www.kickstarterforum.org/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=7935&p=39010#p39010All of these companies have "crowd" in the name (including all the companies like crowd pr ninja, crowdfunding ninjas etc). I am going to dive deep into all of these to see what the connection is (if any). I do suspect there is a connection. It may be slopping naming of companies, but perhaps there is a trail that links them all together.
Crowd Co InvestigationThe creation date of this domain according to whois registry is 2013. I will no post personal info here, but the name on the record matches the name of the "ceo" of this company. Judging by the long thread on this company in the forum here, it seems they are still actively pursuing clients.
A google search shows that CrowdReach (
http://www.crowdreach.co) is one of the top results, indicating that they have a similar link profile. We tentatively associate this agency into the mix as well.
I was very surprised to see there is another agency going by the exact same name of Crowd Co (
Here is crowdco.agency looks like:
- thecrowdco.png (238.04 KiB) Viewed 2203 times
Here is what crowdco.co looks like:
- crowdco.png (225.53 KiB) Viewed 2203 times
CONCLUSIONI found Crowd PR Guru using some other agencies website, and I have now found Crowd Co with an alternative website.
What this may indicate is that all of these agencies are ran by the same person (Crowd PR, Crowd Co, and Crowd PR Guru). I believe this evidence is enough to warrant further research into these companies. As mentioned previously in this thread, setting up phone calls with all of them and comparing the voice would work (assuming they don't have multiple different employees). To perform this test, we would need to use several different websites. Thanks wgbriefcase for this idea! I will try it out myself if I get some extra time, I could make a few different landing pages for this test.
I am the watchman of fraud, always on the lookout to report crowdfunding scams, thieves, and falsehood. I've fell for countless crowdfunding scams, and it's my mission to stop as many of them as possible.